Good read Mossy......
Cheers OOdies, Davo can come up with a few good one liners every now and again. You should come out some time with Davo see if he can get you a big snappz.
sounds like the perfect trip ...
Cheers boys, that's my theory any ways if its not fun then I should give up, good mates, good times and the rest is a bonus.
Good day with laughs then eh. I have done heaps of days like that at mud but no monsters yet for me. I need to push out with you and davo and get a third boat lined up with plastics as my times are no good. I am normally a dusk fisho (no skin cancer then lol) but i think mud is a more dawn spot. Davo wont try your plastics which ones are they berkleys. Spotties should be in the bay soon as long as the rain stays away. DD.....
Your more than welcome to come out with us DD, we pretty much cover a lot of ground drifting and flicking them plastics. I hear you too there buddy I try to cover up best I can long sleeve's face scarf etc, I think your right though seems to do good for us around morn to mid morn/just before lunch.
tight lines - MoSsY