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Stop netting in Maroochy River
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Thread: Stop netting in Maroochy River

  1. #1

    Stop netting in Maroochy River

    The Maroochy River QLD, sunshine coast needs some attention regarding mullet netters. These netters are getting alot of small jewfish around th 30cm mark, i stop and wonder why there is not a million jew in the river for all the small jew i get around the 30cm mark. Would someone be able to make a difference. The solution i think is banning them and if you want mullet or other fish go out and catch them yourself. If you are a person that does not have the ability to catch them so be it, because it is the people that put in the hard yards that suffer. The netters are not allowed in so many different esturies including the mooloolah just down the road so why the maroochy. The maroocjy river for me is one of the better esturys out because of the amount of water, structure including deep holes and the different types of fish. The other day a block pulled a 7.9kg cobia from the river. Back to the topic, we would like to keep the river this way and since it is so great it attracts a number of people so it needs all the support it can to stay stocked with fish. A thread has just been posted regarding a petition or something to ban netting in cairns. does anyone have the ability to do this with the Maroochy river. I contribute to the amount of the fish in the river by letting all my fish go, if i was to be like another person that has a higher angerling ability that means more fish, then there would be twice as many fish being kept as he keeps all of his. and im talking bagging out if he has the opportuntity. Another reason why we need as many fish growing up in the river.


  2. #2

    Re: Stop netting in Maroochy River

    Nice to see a young bloke with an interest in and appreciation of his local fishery.
    Sincere best wishes young fella.

  3. #3

    Re: Stop netting in Maroochy River

    you can check out
    for starters.
    Do a search on here also about netting, mullet netting etc to familiarise yourself with the often hot topic.
    Be aware that these guys are legit and what they are doing is legal. They would have to be fairly compensated if it was handed down that their licences were to be taken back (do some research on past experiences).
    At the end of the day, good to see you are taking an interest in the future of your favourite haunt. On a side note of what not to do.......
    I was out for a run today and ran past one of the Tweed boat ramps, stuck up on a light pole there was a very badly written note addressed to the local netters to stop and also engaging on-lookers to join a petition against it (I can't find it online for the life of me). There was quite a few choice comments about that scenario written underneath it....funny, but that's what you get if you wanna speak up.
    Vegetarian - Ancient tribal slang for the village idiot that can't hunt, fish or ride.

  4. #4

    Re: Stop netting in Maroochy River

    Ive done a bit of research, and this just comes down to money to buy out the licences. DERM, dpi, greenies, are all against it. Even Anna Bligh promised to fix it. Nobody had made any budget allowance tho, after all the cutbacks in govt. Word is, that it will be many years before its resolved.
    Fishing- It's only an addiction if you're trying to quit.

  5. #5

    Re: Stop netting in Maroochy River

    A 7.9kg cobia? Wow... That's an unusual catch from an estuary.

  6. #6

    Re: Stop netting in Maroochy River

    Quote Originally Posted by sandbankmagnet View Post
    A 7.9kg cobia? Wow... That's an unusual catch from an estuary.
    I would have thought so too if i hadn't seen my sister do the same thing when we were kids many years ago in Currumbin Creek whilst trying to catch a mother of a sting ray on a blood worm.

  7. #7

    Re: Stop netting in Maroochy River

    It's a shame that they allow the netting of any estuary ......... Fishing for everyone would be so much better if it was banned!

    As for Cobes in estuaries - my first 3 came from the Mcleay River (South West Rocks) ...... not too far up river but in the river none the less - 10kg cobes go good in that environment!

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  8. #8

    Re: Stop netting in Maroochy River

    I caught a small cobe in a few feet of water on the reef in front of clontarf boat ramp a few years ago while chasing flathead

  9. #9
    Ausfish Silver Member 004dam's Avatar
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    Re: Stop netting in Maroochy River

    A new guy started at work and I was talking to him about fishing. He said he fishes maroochy a fair bit and gets good jew.... I asked him how big he said around 40cm He knocks of the fillets straight away he reckons. Needless to say I don't talk to him about fishing anymore.

  10. #10
    Ausfish Platinum Member alleycat's Avatar
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    Re: Stop netting in Maroochy River

    Quote Originally Posted by NAGG View Post
    It's a shame that they allow the netting of any estuary ......... Fishing for everyone would be so much better if it was banned!

    As for Cobes in estuaries - my first 3 came from the Mcleay River (South West Rocks) ...... not too far up river but in the river none the less - 10kg cobes go good in that environment!

    Hi nagg, funny you say that, my favourite photo of my grandfather is one of him holding a 1 metre cobia he caught in front of his farm house on the macleay river 5klm downstream from smithtown, that river holds some very big bream and flathead as well, o caught a few small cobia there myself..

  11. #11
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Re: Stop netting in Maroochy River

    Not having a go at Fishinwahbee as I can appreciate that there different views on this issue.
    But I think we must look at all the areas the governement has created which provide recreational only fishing zones I'm talking yellow zones plus additional closed areas. The whole of the bribie passage, the mooloolah river, large areas of the noosa river and maroochy river. Everywhere along the entire Queensland coastline already has such areas. These areas have been created so that if any recreational fisher has a problem with commercial fishing then they can access these recreational only zones. (I realise that bait may be taken within some yellow zones). Also, nearly all estuarine systems are closed to commercial activity for the weekend.

    Why is it that many within the recreational communtiy don't see that this resource belongs to everyone in Australia, regardless of how much effort one puts into catching fish/ or how much they choose to spend on fishing gear and boats. Queensland fisheries reports already indicate that the recreational take of inshore fin fish far exceeds that of the commercial take on many many of the key species. Including bream, whiting, flathead and tailor. Yet fishers still seem to think that it is the pro fisherman is unsustainable even though the statistics indicate otherwise. The reports show that recreational fisherman take more bream, whting, flathead and tailor than pro fisherman, but it is the pro fisherman that is persecuted by rec fisherman for providing fish to the public.
    Its seems that many would like to see the entire resource allocated to recreational fishing only. No seems to appreciate that Queensland has some of the most extensive marine zonings in the world.

    Also, in terms of the pros in the rivers, what are there catch rates, what are the levels of by-catch, what mesh size are they using. These are questions that needs quantified answers, rather than to just hop on a forum and decide that banning something must be the right thing to do.
    Does anyone ever stop to think how many undersized fish may be killed by a fouled hook or bait net in the Maroochy River?

    If funding is such an issue why arn't we looking at buying out some of theses licenses by having a Recreational Fishing License, like NSW. Surely a small fee per year would be a small price to pay to have the exclusive right.

    Should recreational fisherman really have the exclusive right to access this seafood resource? Or does it belong to everyone in Australia, regardless of whether they choose to catch it themselves or buy a fresh piece of local mullet
    from a fish and chip store.

    I also hope when we are looking at toal net bans that we are including cast nets and bait nets. I'm mean we wouldn't want to be hypercritical.

  12. #12
    Ausfish Platinum Member mattooty's Avatar
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    Re: Stop netting in Maroochy River

    Good idea Fishinwahbee, but you gotta take your blinkers off mate and look at the big picture.
    EVERYONE has a right to the fishery that you call your local. Everyone from the old bloke down the road who wants to keep a bream for dinner, even if it is only just legal, to you with your favorite gear, to a bloke who is catching fish to feed his family through commercial fishing.
    I'm not going to go into it, because you really have the fisheries best interest at heart, but why do you have any more right to the river than a pro who's selling their finfish to someone who doesn't enjoy the sport of fishing? Should you be denied the right to eat red meat because you're not out there mustering and shooting cows or sheep, cleaning them and taking them home?

  13. #13
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: Stop netting in Maroochy River

    Well said BG1000, how manys times have the selected few have a bellyack about the pros and the get more than what they asked for, it would be very funny if the there was a netting ban and they included cast nets and bait nets in the systems that a lot of fishers want the netting band.

  14. #14
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Re: Stop netting in Maroochy River

    Hi all.

    There are some different views on this one, below are the points of interest i found.

    "Why is it that many within the recreational community don't see that this resource belongs to everyone in Australia, regardless of how much effort one puts into catching fish/ or how much they choose to spend on fishing gear and boats."

    "EVERYONE has a right to the fishery that you call your local"

    "Should recreational fisherman really have the exclusive right to access this seafood resource?"

    I didn't realise this thread was about stopping pros access to the resource, it's about the technique.

    If the argument then becomes, it's not commercially viable to target mullet without nets, then stop selling the shit a xx cents a kilo. And then if there is no market for it, at x dollars a kilo, then there is no market for it - that's business. There are a lot of things I would like to do for a living, but I can't do it cause it's not commercially viable. But in saying that, if the govenment does legislate this, then the commercial fisherman should be adequatley compensated and should be looked after!!!!

    Drag Bait nets should be banned, due to the amount of bycatch they hit.

    And i dont think u should be putting forth what's good for the goose......cause in that case, why cant recs use gill nets?

    The successful release rate on gut hooked whiting and bream, when line cut, is 77 - 85%. The success rate of netted juveniles???? Not so good.

  15. #15
    Ausfish Platinum Member Apollo's Avatar
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    Re: Stop netting in Maroochy River

    Quote Originally Posted by bg1000 View Post

    If funding is such an issue why arn't we looking at buying out some of theses licenses by having a Recreational Fishing License, like NSW. Surely a small fee per year would be a small price to pay to have the exclusive right.
    I agree with this point. IF there is to be a removal of commercial fisherman from the estuary system, they need to be fairly compensated and if it is to the benefit of rec fishers, then perhaps a rec licence is the best way to fund this.

    Also would like to see the ratbag recs that take undersize and over bag limits policed more harshly and regularly, as this is part of the issue.

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