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Hi all
I Fished the canals down the Redlands on Sunday morning ith my little brother.
Early start was slow with a few undersize whiting and bream all that was hooked in the first hour or so but things picked up after the tide turned with a just legal bream on a cube of pilchard.
I had the rod in a holder and after a while with no touches I picked it up to check and there was what felt like a snag. I started to wind and there was movement towards me and just a dead weight. I was thinking I had caught a rock or stick however when it came in to view it was a good size muddie. I called out to my brother to grab the bucket - no net. He quickly dumped everything out of the bucket and I sent him in to knee deep water to help land him. He came back with all his toes. I had hooked it well on a stump where his leg should have been. The crab was 17cm across and a buck. A quick call to my wife who jumped on Fishweb to confirm the legal size and he was in the pot.
We also landed two sand crabs in a similar way -one a jenny that had to go back - the other a good size male.
With the two of us inexperienced in handling crabs I am sure we provided some good laughs to anyone that happened to see us trying to pick them up while avoiding the claws.
While I have hooked crabs before I have never been able to land them as they usually let go.
The rest of the session was uneventful with small flounder, whiting, moses perch and bream landed all sent back to grow some more.
So end result was one mud crab, one sandie and one bream to take home and a few laughs with my little brother. Not bad for a land based session on a Sunday morning.
Unfortunately when the crab was cooked it yielded little meat as it was not full - is there a quick and easy way to tell - but it still tasted great.