hi Chimo. I got a surprise a while ago when checking the side bungs in the old boat when some water came out. Turned out that the water had creeped in past the fitting between the glass and the brass so I resealed the lot and had no more trouble.
By the way, what do the pigtail things do?
they actaully serve a couple of purposes, the allow air to go in and out to allow for expansion and contraction when it is hot and the boat gets dropped into cold water, and I was also told by a boat builder, that when a trailer boat hits waves at a decent speed, the air can compress in the hull (true or not? dont know) and can cause small fractures to form in the gel coat.
Didnt know it had that dual purpose - interesting.
Boat: Seafarer Vagabond
Live: Great South East....love Moreton Bay fishing