Here you go Chimo.
I'd be having a fit if I ever got any water out of the side bungs, I even have to investigate water in the open part of the centre if I see it.
Any in mine is always from the live bait tank overflowing.
I don't think they'd have a bulkhead Ozscott, my old sharkcat did but it had bungs in the bulkhead.
I remember seeing some C02 powered floats (water wings) for boats somewhere I bet they'd be popular for CC owners now.![]()
What sort of boat is that Fed. They look identical mine. My old Haines didn't have them. Perhaps that's why the floor didn't last. Cheers
Boat: Seafarer Vagabond
Live: Great South Moreton Bay fishing
It's an old Viking mate, 1985.
Go the Seaspearers!
Another thing I've been meaning to ask, my nameplate says the following...
Section I Safety - YES
Section II Construction - YES
Does anyone know what that means?
Thanks Fed, What boat is that? The water that gets in seems to seep past the bungs. I stuck some "o" rings on them and that seems to have worked pretty well.
Just detailed mine so I'll have to go for a crawl next time I go down to the boat.
What could go wrong.......................
Oops, crossed posts.
Maybe the newer ones moved away from pigs cause although I've not looked just now but I cannot recall seeing such a thing when under there in the past but will look later.
What could go wrong.......................
I bought a gerni a week ago to do mine and it hasn't stopped raining since, I thinking about taking it back.
For those interested the Nt boat was trolling at gove and theres was a load bang and some or all the transom tore out and the skipper tried to cut the motor free but couldnt cut through the lines quick enough,thinking about it there might be a vibration frequency going through the transom at a certain rev with what ever brand or size motor it was.
And they probably aren't the facts. Not unless they were trolling at 50+kts and hit a reef or sandbank or croc or submerged Jap Zero or.......
Maybe that's the rest of the boat JJ got his prop in a rock picture from?? He took it in the Northern Territory.
JJ....where are you??
Bad luck. too late.
I intend on living far so good
i guess thats what happens when you own a crash craft!
Being NT it could have been towed over some pretty rough roads too. Unless the complete history is known, we can't say what really caused it.
Bloke I used to work with left a Whitley Meet and Greet at Keppels a while back as a water alarm went off in his boat just after midnight I think it was. Turned out it had some cracks in the transom from water ingested rot, the transom had to be replaced, but this doesn't mean Whitleys are bad.
I think there is always two sides of the story, then there is the facts. This sort of thing shouldn't be entertained here, the original post should ask if anyone knows what actually happened... disapponted with the direction this thread has gone.
There is no way you will hear a loud Bang and have the transom snap out whilst trolling... Thats a load of sh!t..
Buddy have you ever been to the Territory? give me their roads over qld roads anyday, While SOME of the dirt roads may be bad they are still better than the bitumen roads in QLD.
Even travelling to the Daly or out to Dundee the roads are looked after. Head out to fish the Adelaide river and its a great run, now take a run to Rockhampton and its pot hole after pot hole and then add in the brake happy drivers out there and you are forever stopping and starting... include the crappy roads and its a wonder more people dont have problems.
So a boat/trailer travelling in Qld would have been put through a lot more than in the Territory.
.........................deleted post...........................
Last edited by wags on the water; 28-11-2011 at 08:29 AM. Reason: It's better for parties concerned if I delete my comments.