Just got back from NZ after attending my neice's wedding, the veiw from the place was a bit shabby..........
House Veiw.jpgHouse Veiw 2.jpg
About 3km from the house is the local beach, lets go fishing they said....got a spare rod I asked to be met with amusement. This is what we use..
The Weapon.jpg
So we piled into a couple of vehicles and headed to the beach with the crew from hell......The Crew.jpg
F%$k it was coldBaiting up.jpg Ever tried to bait 20 hooks with your fingers numb and hands shaking from the cold.......
Breakfast.jpg Part of the catch, didn't catch a lot as we got there a bit late and the torpedo was only on its second voyage so the batteries still needed a couple more charges to get its full range.