What do you think I am?? An idiot?? Fancy wanting to run anything where people are concerned. Have you ever thought about the toilets those people usually don't quite crap into and who'd clean them?? I have enough trouble cleaning my own skid marks off the dunny let alone wanting to clean somebody else's. And when would I be able to talk to all the old codgers down town and at the weekly Calf and Pig sale?? The bloke who has the contract can keep it I reckon.
Wasn't that contract renewed a little while ago thinking about it??..... And don't forget I hate people. Just the thought of looking after people makes me want to dig a HUGE hole and bury them in it.
Some nicer people I know from other areas (ie down Lismore way and from Brisbane) have commented to me about the place and how it could be a place like Glenlyon....but isn't. I am very curious as to know why it isn't thinking about it a bit. I might have to ring them and ask.
The only time I really see people there is during Easter, Christmas and a few long week-ends. The rest of the time there maybe 4 or 5 camp sites set up by what I can see (or was it I haven't taken close attention??). Personally I have no idea of the area as I always launch down near the wall end and fish either end of the dam or opposite the reserve. I think I've driven through the reserve twice since 1992 when I moved to Warwick and both those time were in 1992 I reckon. But that's always the way isn't it. Locals not having a clue at what's in their backyard.
I made a couple of calls today and the dog thing is never going to happen. End of story I'm afraid Griz. But Scotty's dog motel is in town. What's another pooch or two for tea (Feeding them that is. Not eating them)
The mad boatie problem is in the domain of Sunwater.
I'll see if I can dig up something from Sunwater in the next couple of weeks. Again, I think it's a week-end thing and public holiday thing like it is in Brisbane.
I am rarely on the water during those times. But when-ever I have been on the dam in peak periods I know I've been 'aggravated' at some stage during those few trips. Those 'aggravations' really annoyed me as I'm only ever there for a couple of hours at dawn and dusk. I'm never there in the middle of the day. I hate people/crowds remember.
The sooner that problem is sorted the better it will be for all sectors that use the dam. That's the fisherpeople, the skiers, the sailors, a few Murray Greys, a heap of Skip-skips and the millions of bloody turtles, who seem to be the only buggers eating my shrimps