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Leisure Marine gone - BIAS next? - Page 3
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Thread: Leisure Marine gone - BIAS next?

  1. #31
    Ausfish Platinum Member lippa's Avatar
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    Jan 2006

    Re: Leisure Marine gone - BIAS next?

    My Business, on its knees. 1 man pty ltd company. major client 1/3 of business goes into receivership, 21.5k gone, 1/3 business, gone. getting undercut on my other accounts, need to drop my pants and swallow wad to keep them, actual volume of work reduced due to economic climate, materials, expenses through the roof. Me, sold every asset I have, no equity left in house, all my suppliers are payed, nothing left.
    Seems to be a common misconception that if you are in busniness you are either loaded or a scumbag, rip off f@#ker, real easy to tar people with a friggin' wide brush without even having a clue to the back story.....

    well I'm off to attribute blame to some guy on the Internet, has to be his fault, after all.....

  2. #32

    Re: Leisure Marine gone - BIAS next?

    Lippa i hope things pick up for you quickly mate.

  3. #33

    Re: Leisure Marine gone - BIAS next?

    Very sad to hear that Lippa; Mrs and I are (very) small busines owner/operators too; really hope you can hang in and that you pick up some excellent new customers ASAP.
    "Small business is the backbone of Australia" - 'bout the only thing Little Johnny said I ever liked!
    Personally I reckon he never said a truer word, either.
    Darn lot of heartache out there at the moment, whichever way you look at it.
    Can't speak for others, but since the GFC impacted on Aus, the wife and I have certainly found more of our 'account' customers taking longer to pay their accounts.........certainly no good for maintaining cash flow. Whatsmore this trend seems to have become more pronounced this year........I've seriously thought of giving some customers the 'flick' but I've found a 'phone' call often works where 'final reminder' letters fail.......Pees me off I must admit; try that late payment trick at the Coles/Woolies checkout and see how you go.
    We are lucky however in that the majority of our customers either pay at service or very soon afterwards. Jimminy, we even have one that pays in advance.....

  4. #34
    Ausfish Platinum Member lippa's Avatar
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    Jan 2006

    Re: Leisure Marine gone - BIAS next?

    Personally we will be ok, worst case scenario is that we shut the doors and walk away. My point I guess was that some business's are a victim of circumstance rather than poor management or greed.

  5. #35

    Re: Leisure Marine gone - BIAS next?

    I guess you have to have been in business for yourself before you realise how hard it can be, sometimes you are flooded with work and no time to scratch yourself, then you are scratching around for work/customers, it matters little what business you are in, (that is unless you are a tax collector or stamp duty collector) it is hard work, anyone who has only worked for the "big boys" as in mines and steelworks and places like that, who only know that when the clock strikes knock off time, you pack up your gear and piss off home, working for yourself is a whole different ballgame, even after you get home (eventually) there is paperwork, bills and all sorts of stuff to get ready for the next days heartache/headache, now how hard it is to run a franchise (like say BCF) I don't know, I have never been involved in that sort of thing, maybe it is a cakewalk, maybe it is a nightmare too.

  6. #36

    Re: Leisure Marine gone - BIAS next?

    Lippa - glad to hear that, at least.
    Noelm, franchise = double-nightmare atm I'd reckon.

  7. #37

    Re: Leisure Marine gone - BIAS next?

    I ran a small business for nearly 15 years but with changes in public liability insurance, OH&S and the general economic factors I am very glad to be working for someone else at the moment. I may go back to the private sector as there is a lot of positives but at the moment its a hard world out there
    A Proud Member of
    "The Rebel Alliance"

  8. #38
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: Leisure Marine gone - BIAS next?

    [QUOTE=ThePinkPanther;1326215]Heard a rumor that BIAS warehouse Tingalpa Bribanmay be. The next marine business to fold!

    Glasscraft, Leisure Marine ............ Dead in the water and now maybe BIAS

    This sort of post could be the nail in the coffin for a small especially struggling business. If for instance I was going to buy a Sounder, I wouldn't be going to BIAS now; just in case this forum rumour is true and that I had to take it back. Sure any dealer can return it to the manufacturer for warranty but I still wouldn't be comfortable buying it from them. Just MHO!

  9. #39

    Re: Leisure Marine gone - BIAS next?

    Bias Boating at Tingalpa did not look like they were facing extinction when I went shopping there yesterday.

    In fact, they were looking downright prosperous. They had customers coming and going; they had heaps of staff; the staff were full of beans - bubbly enthusiastic and keen to help; and the place seemed abundantly well stocked - unlike a certain woodworking store not far from there that has been having so many stock-outs in recent months that one might reasonably expect that they were having cash-flow problems.

    The staff morale seemed awesome - not like people in a company that is showing signs that would make them start to worry about their futures.

    Nah - There were no signs of imminent business collapse there that I could see.


  10. #40
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Jan 2006

    Re: Leisure Marine gone - BIAS next?

    we human beings are such a weird bunch hey charlie, on the one hand we like the idea of someone warning us via rumour about a business going under just in case we were to put some money over said business' counter and potentially lose it ......................... on the other hand however, we could spread a rumour so easily and quickly that could cause people to lose confidence in a business and therefore risk putting said business out of business. rumours hey, such a wonderful and yet usually sh!tty thing!

  11. #41

    Re: Leisure Marine gone - BIAS next?

    BAIS Labrador are running adds on the telly for the opening of their new, bigger shop... brisy rd

  12. #42
    Ausfish Platinum Member timddo's Avatar
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    Apr 2006

    Re: Leisure Marine gone - BIAS next?

    Closing of one Bia's makes no difference as they have alot of all shops fronts in the major cities.. It's the single operators that you need to worry about. Once they close, you can say good bye to your money.

  13. #43

    Re: Leisure Marine gone - BIAS next?

    Bias seems to be in a pretty strong position at the moment with a few of its competitors falling by the wayside. Most of their premises would be leased and if the owner is starting to play hardball on a site then the threat to close could make dealings a bit easier. With Sundown, Glasscraft and Leisure kicking the bucket its really down to them and Whitworths for most stuff.
    A Proud Member of
    "The Rebel Alliance"

  14. #44

    Re: Leisure Marine gone - BIAS next?

    I understand the hole Mismanagement debate as ive seen it alot in my industry.
    Lets look at the "good times pre GFC boom time", everyone employed working BIG hours, tradesmen shortage (alot of guys strapped on nail bags and called themselves a tradesmen during these times) = higher prices, materials going through the roof - why because they can. The boss is making good money big money...... whats he do ? New ute, New luxury car for the wife, then comes the toys, boat, ski, motor bike, overseas trip maybe even holiday house etc.
    For those who didnt think the "good times" would ever end .... then they are idiots. for those who didnt prepare for a down turn.... then they are are idiots.
    You must live within your means and save for a rainy day.....not those exact words, but that was what was taught to me from a very early age.

    This is the 2nd part of my post as i went away for a while after i wrote the bit above.
    You also cant help when people owe you money, no mater what paper work/ contracts you have in place, if people wont pay or go ass up then your stuffed !!
    That is what will bring a small business down, unfortunately. You can be hard working - done nothing wrong by anybody, but it will only take 1 NOT to pay and your stuffed.
    Also when there is no work then there is no work !! That i blame on the Government/Banks (i wont go into that) shit i can feel me getting started on councils............there is so much BS in what i do today ( my profession) that causes prices to rise, cut out the BS (and believe there is a lot of crap & procedures ) and things will be cheaper at the other end. I have always said i am happy to sell my product at a reduced price if i can build it at a better price.

    Anyway thats just me venting a little and giving my experience in what i do and what ive seen as to why business go broke, Sometimes it s not what you think.


  15. #45

    Re: Leisure Marine gone - BIAS next?

    I know many staff members from BIAS stores as well as some of the BIAS management, both personally & with work. I can tell you that BIAS are going from strength to strength, they pay all bills on time / in full; they're not going anywhere!

    Regarding this topic, I spoke with one of the senior managers today & I can pass on that there is some disappointment in this thread here on Ausfish. However they wish to pass on to all Ausfish members that this "rumour" is just that, & it's full steam ahead for BIAS Boating.


    Pink Panther, I'm wondering where you're getting your information from as I can't see any truth to this "rumour". If it is a tid bit of info from a mate of a mate, then it's probably appropriate that you consider rewording your topic.

    False, misleading and/or baseless information does nobody any good. Yes, a few other players have gone down in recent times for various reasons, this means it is far more important that we support those who are left, lest we lose all of the knowlege/service that these stores provide to us all.


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