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Thread: You have to be kidding !

  1. #76

    Re: You have to be kidding !

    Quote Originally Posted by PADDLES View Post
    hi greg, i've heard similar stories re mongolia. i think it all comes back to the age old problem of transport though, they would need a massive investment in rail infrastructure to get the coal back to the consumers and at the moment it's easier/cheaper to just ship it out of places like australia.
    Rio Tinto are fast introducing automation, namely trucks at first but you can bet it will not stop there.

  2. #77
    Ausfish Gold Member
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    Re: You have to be kidding !

    Well in Mongolia they won't have to worry about strikes, WH&S, pollution controls, unions easy to see why they go there.

  3. #78

    Re: You have to be kidding !

    How about Barrack Obama and his Australian visit to Darwin, the guy has been in power for some time now and has never made a diplomatic visit to Australia.

    As soon as there is a sniff of money, he is knocking at the door....

  4. #79
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: You have to be kidding !

    hi bros, sure there's no strikes or trade unions, but the chinese have come a long way when it comes to WHS and emmissions and they've been helped to get there by the western world. they definitely are interested in protecting their environment and also not letting their skilled labourers get killed at work. it's all stemmed from foriegn firms setting up production there and imposing our standards on their production facilities. we really shouldn't look at the chinese as being a being a bunch of dodgy backyarders, they are getting highly skilled.

    and dan, the biggest cost of operating a railway in china would not be the labour costs associated with driving the trains, it'd be the cost of firstly building the many thousands of kilometres of it and then maintaining it all. it's megabucks mate, that's why in the short term as long as the coal prices don't go up too much it just isn't viable.

    as for mr obama visiting us, well as far as i'm concerned he, or any other american president or dignitary, is more than welcome to come here whenever they want to, no matter what their motivation. america came to our aid in our hour of need in the second world war and many of their men died to defend our land from the japanese and i would seriously urge anyone to never forget that fact.

  5. #80

    Re: You have to be kidding !

    " the biggest cost of operating a railway in china "

    That would be when they run into each other.


  6. #81
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: You have to be kidding !

    good one steeler, yeah i forgot about their latest "traffic light incident" with their high speed trains

  7. #82
    Ausfish Gold Member
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    Re: You have to be kidding !

    Quote Originally Posted by PADDLES View Post
    hi bros, sure there's no strikes or trade unions, but the chinese have come a long way when it comes to WHS and emmissions and they've been helped to get there by the western world. they definitely are interested in protecting their environment and also not letting their skilled labourers get killed at work. it's all stemmed from foriegn firms setting up production there and imposing our standards on their production facilities. we really shouldn't look at the chinese as being a being a bunch of dodgy backyarders, they are getting highly skilled.
    I think a coal miner in China would be the riskiest job in the world. They have an absolutely abysmal record of mine fatalities.

  8. #83

    Re: You have to be kidding !

    Quote Originally Posted by PADDLES View Post
    as for mr obama visiting us, well as far as i'm concerned he, or any other american president or dignitary, is more than welcome to come here whenever they want to, no matter what their motivation. america came to our aid in our hour of need in the second world war and many of their men died to defend our land from the japanese and i would seriously urge anyone to never forget that fact.
    I still don't like it, just doesn't seem right.
    And where the Australian people consulted over this? Doesn't seem that way.
    I wish America would stay in America, there country is already in strife and now they drag our foreign relations to shit.

    Rudd spent a lot of time working with China and then the yanks just drop themselves in here and insult them no less.

    Next thing you know the F&^%ing CIA will be over here weeding out commies like the 1950's, bloody ridiculous.

  9. #84

    Re: You have to be kidding !

    Quote Originally Posted by MudRiverDan View Post
    I still don't like it, just doesn't seem right.
    And where the Australian people consulted over this? Doesn't seem that way.
    I wish America would stay in America, there country is already in strife and now they drag our foreign relations to shit.

    Rudd spent a lot of time working with China and then the yanks just drop themselves in here and insult them no less.

    Next thing you know the F&^%ing CIA will be over here weeding out commies like the 1950's, bloody ridiculous.
    How is a training base in Darwin dragging our foreign relations to shit? How is it that an American base is insulting China?
    Democracy: Simply a system that allows the 51% to steal from the other 49%.

  10. #85

    Re: You have to be kidding !

    Bit of flag waving is always good pre-election, BA is up next year and he has it all to do by accounts. Not to mention JG...............
    A US base in Darwin, ask the locals what they think.......the yanks weren't too unpopular in Sydney during the 60's, but if I remember rightly some of their latter-day behaviour at Subic Bay was apparently appalling.
    These articles may have some insight into the 'why's.
    CIA would already be here Dan!
    China isn't the be-all-and-end all for Aus IMHO; very encouraging to see India being courted as well. Another huge market for our natural resources, and possibly quite a bit more stable!
    China may well suffer considerably with the slow-down of it's export markets.
    And the US will hold the high-technology ace card for quite a while yet.......

  11. #86

    Re: You have to be kidding !

    Quote Originally Posted by Steeler View Post
    I luv the nicknames . CanDo, wonder what his brothers name is Cantong or maybe Cannot..

    Any others ?.
    Gees they name things in a funny way down south.
    Brothers would have the same surname don't they?.
    There's Can Do, Will Do and Did Do. There are rumours of another brother called Didgeri but that has not been confirmed. A bit of family controversy there but all Didgeri wants is his right to be known as Didgeri Do.
    There's their cousins from America: How'd We Do, What'll We Do and She'll Do.
    And then there's their English cousins with those posh hypenated names: What Did-We-Do and How'd We-Do-That (she was What Did-We-Do's daughter who married Bugger That. They had a kid Why'd We-Do-That)
    And then there's the Chinese connection: We're In-A-Can-Of-Do-Do

    Can-Do did the town bikes though didn't he. The town bikes are about as popular as their name sakes as well aren't they??
    So what has Can-Do Done?? Was that his uncle's second wife??

    What happened to Cities and States building infrastructure?? Why is it Cities and States only seem to 'approve' any infrastructure of any importance so private companies can build it?? (infrastructure that we have to keep paying for until we're dead and buried)

    Oh, near forgot about the famous American second cousin 3 times removed. Just Do-It. She was named after her maternal grandfather: Just Get-On-With-It.
    She had a really promiscuous cousin: Just Did-It.

    Sadly two members of the Do family have been ostracised. They just seemed too radical for the majority of the Do family with Can pushing for their rejection from the family. Those two are in reality near the only sane ones in the family. They are Should-Do and Right Thing-To-Do.
    If truth be known the only other sane member of the Do family is Didgeri.
    Why is it that it's only the sane members of the Do family who are.....(sad to say) are not wanted, nor recognised, in the Do family??
    I intend on living far so good

  12. #87

    Re: You have to be kidding !

    He is so good he would do a better job at defying kryptonite than Superman ever could.

    Don't worry about O Bama being the leader of the free world, thats a job for CanDo.


  13. #88
    Ausfish Platinum Member Shawn 66's Avatar
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    Re: You have to be kidding !

    Quote Originally Posted by Steeler View Post
    He is so good he would do a better job at defying kryptonite than Superman ever could.

    Don't worry about O Bama being the leader of the free world, thats a job for CanDo.

    Thats after he has discovered a cure for cancer and solved the problem of word starvation.

  14. #89

    Re: You have to be kidding !

    We are talking CanDo Katter aren't we ?.


  15. #90
    Ausfish Platinum Member Shawn 66's Avatar
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    Re: You have to be kidding !

    Quote Originally Posted by Steeler View Post
    We are talking CanDo Katter aren't we ?.
    You betcha .

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