Just watched the 4 corners program on ABC re;- Great Barrier Reef and in particular the port development in Gladstone and other parts.
There is a proposal to build a coal loading port in Bathurst Bay.
You have to be friggin kiddin me................![]()
Bathurst Bay sits north of Cooktown and is a pristine world heritage marine environment.
It is bad enough that this Government are proposing to allow 6 NEW coal, LNG and CSG ports to be built in Queensland, but to even consider one for this area is madness.
This current Governments vision, along with OVERSEAS miners is so short term and clouded, it beggers belief that any true Queenslander would participate in a facility that WILL damage both marine and landbased environments ( and communities ) to an extent that no-one can envisage or even hope to calculate.
There is NO modeling for the effect this would have. There is no science available to drop into modeling.
There is however, stupidly evident commonsense knowledge that placing a coal loading facility and utilizing hundreds of large ships within the barrier reef and at a place of significant World, Australian & Queensland importance is not only a disaster waiting to happen, but plain VANDALISM.
This Government, both Federal and State have lost the plot.
They need to pop down to the local corner store and buy a six pack of " wake the #### up to yourself ".
Not Happy Jan....... is the understatment of the year in this instance.