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Nice Cut Throat Trout on the Berry!
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Thread: Nice Cut Throat Trout on the Berry!

  1. #1
    Ausfish Platinum Member Funchy's Avatar
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    Nice Cut Throat Trout on the Berry!

    G'day all,

    Went for my final fishing trip here in Utah before the family and I head home and get stuck back into some salt water fishing in December! The Strawberry Resevior is a lake residing at about 7,600 ft high and is 17,000 odd acres. It is now November and temps are below freezing. (To give you and idea, I wore jeans and tracky dacks, 2 pairs of sox, Tshirt, long sleeve shirt, hoody jumper and an all weather wool lined jacket and I still froze my proverbials off!!!!)

    Now I have spent a fair bit of time at a local fishing outlet here in Utah not to mention a fair bit of my hard earned! During that time a bloke there by the name of Pete gave me some great advice on what to fish and where. If you go back over my posts in the last 12 months the majority of success is due to his help.

    Anyway, Pete said in return for a Pumicestone passage trip in the future he would take me fishing for some cut throat trout. Cut throat trout are native to western North America. The cutthroat species has evolved through geographic isolation into many subspecies, each native to a different major drainage basin. Native cutthroat species are found along the Pacific Northwest coast, in the Cascade Range, the Great Basin, and throughout the Rocky Mountains. Some coastal populations are anadromous, living primarily in the Pacific Ocean as adults and returning to fresh water from fall through early spring to feed on insects and spawn. Most populations, however, stay in freshwater throughout their lives and are known as non-migratory, stream-resident or riverine populations. (Stole that bit from wikki) .

    Pete, my youngest boy Max and I hit the ramp and launched his 18ft boat at around 10am. We went straight over to his "secret spot" and he told us to tie on his "Special Jig". He proceded to tie on a different set up and hauled in a nice 25ish inch Cutt! WHAT?????
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    Anyway, after going through the motions of throwing out this "secret jig" I said "we gotta try something else Pete." He recommended his old faithful green tube jig and we were away!!!!

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    Spent about 7 hours on the lake. Caught about 16 odd fish between us. Kept 4 for the smoker.

    A top day out for my last hurrah!!! Look out flatties here I come!!!!

  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member wamjam's Avatar
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    May 2002

    Re: Nice Cut Throat Trout on the Berry!

    Oh my god...

    God dam you boys are going to be happy fishing with an akubra, singlet, thongs and a tinny (the one you drink...not the one that floats)..


  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member Funchy's Avatar
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    Re: Nice Cut Throat Trout on the Berry!

    G'Day Scott,

    Too right mate. It was the coldest I think I have ever been! I can't wait to get a decent aussie brew into me. Only Aussie beer you get here is Fosters and I keep telling them it is crap. Why do you think we export it? Hahhahhahahaa.

    Take it easy!

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