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This year my insurance policy with Club Marine has been worth its weight in gold.. Firstly, my youngest boy trimmed the motor up and put a temporary rod holder through the cowl ($2600 claim). I was inside the house at the time off the incident...
3 months later..... I ran into some trouble on the pin bar.. Cracked my windscreen and splash-well, both minor repairs.. However, upon Club marine advice, I took my boat to one off their registered repairers, who did not repair my splash well right the first time.. 10minutes back on the water the crack in the Splash Well opened up again.. So the repairer cut the transom open and consequently f#(ked my transom... Club Marine pulled the boat out off there and had it sent to Hayden Wylde... Hayden wanted the transom done right so he had The Haines Group repair my transom,, and they have done a bloody great job off it.. Over the weekend I will be starting a thread to thank those who fixed my boat...
In total with my cowl, the bodgy job done by the first repairer and the second repair to fix the first repair. the cost comes to around $22'000.
My premium is around $600 P/A and my access is $500...