Hi My manual self-inflating PFDs are coming around for service. I understand that I can self service. The instructions say that I should inspect the CO2 cylinder and replace if necessary then test the manual valve by pulling the cord of course this wrecks the green firing indicator! The thing which annoys me is that I can only buy a kit including a CO2 cylinder and firing indicator for $20 when I'll only need the indicator worth as few cents (i.e. if the CO2 cylinder is OK) ! Probably wouldn't be too bad if the PFD manuf. didn't recommend a 3yr return to manuf. service, for $90, so ultimately it would almost cheaper to buy new ones rather than have them manuf. serviced! So at the end of 3yrs I'll need to buy new ones. Is anyone aware of a brand with more reasonable servicing cost or longer life (or am I just a penny pincher)? I do acknowledge safety is worth whatever it costs nonetheless I have the nagging feeling that I'm being ripped off. Regards Brad