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Thread: fishing mooloolah river- need advice

  1. #1

    Cool fishing mooloolah river- need advice

    hi all that fish the mooloolah river
    I have been fishing the mooloolah river for a while but I have not discovered any exceptional fishing spots so if anyone has any advice on where in the river i should fish and what gear to use can you tell me because i need some advice. If you think I should be fishing a different river system please tell me a better one if you can

    thanks all ginny

  2. #2

    Re: fishing mooloolah river- need advice

    I am the same. Been going there for a year and still unable to find a good spot. I just get the odd flatty. Tried many sorts of bait too. Will keep trying but am up for advice.

  3. #3

    Re: fishing mooloolah river- need advice

    Hi guys put mooloolah river in the advanced search im sure you will find some chats on the river.

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