The weather looked good,so we decided on a day trip to 1770 from Bundy.My deckie turned up at my place at 3am (Damn I regret those rums last night ).About an hour and a half later we were at 1770 boat ramp, greeted by a 5 knot NE breeze,a cracker of a day.A 20 k trip across the bay in the 4.5m Polycraft to outer rock off Bustard head,put out the lures and 2 Pike and started to troll around the rock,not much action for a while and then on a close pass of the rock, I thought I had a snag but it let go,so I wind in the Pike and it almost gets to the boat and it takes off like a rocket,whoo hoo first Spanish for the day.Did some bottom bashing but no luck,A heap of bright green and brown coral spawn in the water,don't know if this had anything to do with the quiet bite.A few hours later we changed to trolling pike again,dropped the first bait in the water,getting second bait ready and I am on again, to my deckies disgust.So 2 nice Spanish,6 and 7 kg,not huge but tasty(just had some).