Sweet day at Peel yesterday pulled up at first spot and found a good show pretty much as soon as i came off the plane. first cast 93cm jewwie. My mate Wayne hooked up as soon as my fish hit the deck. my next cast and im on again. 3 jew over 80cm in 4 casts we went on to loose 2 other fish and the bite shut down.
Treked up the rainbow for a look found a few rats but no decnt fish. went back to the spot we hit the jewwies earlier sounded around for about 5 mins and found another awesome show on the hds. wayno first cast gets absolutly drilled and pops his leader so i quickly get a new plastic on my jighead and cast out. Hit the bottom in 40ft of water and hop it up and got crunched. loosing braid at million miles I knew it was a good snapp. after about a 4-5min fight on the 20lb gear up pops a massive knob. played up a bit more finally netting the horse we stood in awe at the sheer size of this brute, it went 99cm. After a few pics back up to find the fish and boated another 4 jewwies between 83/87cm. Wayno also payed the penalty for using 12lb leader another 2 or 3 times loosing some big fish mid fight.
Got some footage on the gopro of the early jewwies and batteries went dead right at the end of the fight with the snapps.
An awesome session i dont think ill forget for quite some time. im getting the snapps taxidermied and put it above my bar. Pretty much a snapp of a liftime for me dont think ill ever knock it off.
enjoy the pics Cheers Whytey