Well what a day the Deckie had yesterday. We left Redland bay at 4am and got to the SPB at 445 ready to cross the Amity end. The sea was a bit confused but no waves breaking. We then punched our way down South to our marks. First drop and both onto smallish snaps. We put a couple in the box and moved around a bit before the deckie found his Mojo. All I heard was a groaning sound to look around and see him well loaded up on a good fish. After a few tense moments the net was quickly dropped for the gaf and his biggest Jew to date was in the boat. It went 13Kg. He then proceeded to get 3 Pbs in a row of snap. First went 65 then a 69 then one that was just on 70. Could not wipe the smile off his face all day.
All fish caught floatlining the humble pilly with a 6ball.