If it was the flooding, why haven't we seen these sorts of fish kills in the past?
I was told that the dredgings are being dumped on the edge of a Green Zone. Anyone got some info or can someone confirm this? Cheers
all the talk about the barra being sick because of the harbour cant be right as i personally have caught two barra from up at pikes crossing just before the anual closure that were definatly sick with out doubt these fish are land locked below the awoonga dam wall and have not been in the harbour in there lives. as for eating the fish i did not as with any sick fish you catch any where, common sense.
i havent caught any crabs in the area so i cant comment but what the authoritys are telling us must be a guess with no fact at the moment
just my two bobs breno
Lets get a few facts right here guys: the "heavy metal" levels being recorded in the harbour are all within safe limits (as prescribed before the dredging commenced)...so yes they do have to be recorded but are not considered to exceed derm limits (Lets do some comparisions on water quality in the fnq after big rain events). I doubt anyone has read (because it doesn't make for good reading) that fish with white spot were first being identified before the dredging began in the harbour. Water from Awoonga Dam was released into Gladstone Harbour for an unprecedented 6 month period...it is estimated over 30,000 Barramundi made their way into the harbour (a 3 year would be able to conclude what impact this would have on the local ecosystem and what stress levels it would cause to these fish).
I don't mind people expressing their opinions about Gladstone Harbour....but lets take them as just that...."THEIR OPINION". 90% of the commentary on Gladstone is from those who don't live here. And Castlemaine I can assure you the spoil grounds for the dredging material is at least 20 klm for the nearest green zone.