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Airmar p 66 help
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Thread: Airmar p 66 help

  1. #1

    Airmar p 66 help

    SANY1649.JPGI have a problem please,SANY1648.JPG with my new AIRMAR P 66 pic 2 is at a good opperating level i think,
    the pic 1 is if i slightly lift the transducer i here no clicks until it gets to the angle you see in the pic .
    then it will click and lock tighter .What am i doing wrong ,at first i had the mounting bracket upside down ,thanks MARTO FOR BRINGING THAT TO MY ATTENTION
    Is P66 suitable for a HDS 8 unit i have read some other posts were other blokes have said they are not compatable.
    Shut up and fish

  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member marto78's Avatar
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    May 2009

    Re: Airmar p 66 help

    I don't know about the compatability of the HDS8 but have you water tested it yet?

    The loudness of the clicks on mine changes at different times as well but it still burts my fingers when I stick my hand under it.

  3. #3

    Re: Airmar p 66 help

    I run a P66 with my HDS5, so I cannot see any reason why it wouldn't work with a 8. Only thing I don't get is water temp.


    Note to self: Don't argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience....

  4. #4

    Re: Airmar p 66 help

    No Marto was hoping to go for a run this weekend,it just dose not feel right there is way to much play in it i can lift it with 1 finger from horrizontal where it rest on the bracket to the level it is in pic 1 ,that is before i hit the first click.
    Cheers Rob
    Shut up and fish

  5. #5
    Ausfish Platinum Member peterbo3's Avatar
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    Jan 2003

    Re: Airmar p 66 help

    Pic 2 seems to be too flat. Ya may need to get the ducer bum down a bit. From memory the P66 comes with two wedges. Could I suggest using the second one as the single wedge is not getting the optimum angle.
    Also, it may be photo distortion but the mount location appears to be in the strake aeration zone. If this is indeed the case ya need to get that puppy into clean water.
    ROLL TIDE, ROLL.................


  6. #6

    Re: Airmar p 66 help

    Hi peterbo3 sorry the angle is not real good as i was just showing it flat,Hmm 2 wedges i only got 1 .I have it mounted in the smooth section of the not the raised parts either side is that what you mean.
    Thanks Rob
    Shut up and fish

  7. #7
    Ausfish Platinum Member peterbo3's Avatar
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    Jan 2003

    Re: Airmar p 66 help

    Hi Rob,
    Can ya post a pic from directly behind the ducer so the position in relation to the strakes is clearly shown. If ya only have one wedge ya can use some SS washers to angle the ducer down a bit further. This is always a trial & error procedure to get the best angle/position plus boat speed & sea conditions really change things.
    ROLL TIDE, ROLL.................


  8. #8

    Re: Airmar p 66 help

    Well ive just been doing some checking it seems that this is the transducer i was sent .Can someone tell me please if it is the correct one for a HDS unit .
    NMEA 0183 Transom-Mount Depth Temp Transducer P66-235-DT0

    Price:$219.95Part #AR-70662Quantity Manufacturer: Airmar
    For all our Airmar products Click Here

    The P66 DT model is a transom-mounted triducer for depth and temperature, with an NMEA 0183 interface. This unit is available only in a plastic version. The P66 beam spread is 6 degrees.

    Product Features
    • NMEA 0183 interface
    • Data update rate 1/second
    • Power consumption 40mA
    • 235kHz
    • 6 degree beam width
    • 600W rated power
    • Minimum depth 0.5M (1.6 Ft)
    • Maximum depth 100M (330 Ft)
    • NMEA + and - connections through 22 AWG twisted pair wire, can be extended up 100M (330 Ft)
    • Power 11.5-25V DC + and - connections in same cable as NMEA
    • For digital readouts only, not for use with graphing fishfinders
    This transducer has an NMEA 0183 interface. It can be connected to any instrument with an NMEA 0183 input. The instrument used must be capable of reading and displaying the NMEA 0183 sentences output by this transducer. The interface cable also contains connections for a 12V DC supply. Power must be provided to the transducer for it to work. The NMEA 0183 data connection does not power the transducer.


    ms that this is the type of ducer i was sent can anyone please tell me if its the right one.
    Shut up and fish

  9. #9
    Ausfish Platinum Member marto78's Avatar
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    May 2009

    Re: Airmar p 66 help

    Quote Originally Posted by blackjew View Post
    No Marto was hoping to go for a run this weekend,it just dose not feel right there is way to much play in it i can lift it with 1 finger from horrizontal where it rest on the bracket to the level it is in pic 1 ,that is before i hit the first click.
    Cheers Rob
    Mate when you have it horizontal like pic 2 you need to push it down just that tad bit more until the lock clicks into place. It wont move after that unless you hit something or unclip the lock with a screwdriver.

  10. #10
    Ausfish Platinum Member marto78's Avatar
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    Re: Airmar p 66 help

    The transducer itself should mount up pretty flush to the wedge when it is locked in properly.

  11. #11
    Ausfish Platinum Member Mr__Bean's Avatar
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    Apr 2004

    Re: Airmar p 66 help

    Full installation instructions here:


  12. #12

    Re: Airmar p 66 help

    Thanks Darren,i have the install instruction sheet .and i have followed the instructions.
    Ok Marto thanks mate ill try that ,maybe thats the problem.
    Cheers Rob
    Shut up and fish

  13. #13
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Re: Airmar p 66 help

    Prety sure you should have got two wedges though I got mine a fair time back.The wedges can be used singularly or in combo with one inverted to give differing angles to suit most transomes.A big word of caution.....they are good for very few 'lock in place clicks' before the lock is ratshit (I actual think mine packed it in after the first),I know onerabbit had the same dramas.Mine is now (and has been for the last eight years) glued and pop riveted in place.

  14. #14

    Re: Airmar p 66 help

    Thanks banshee for your reply, wow plastic crap hey,just looks good ,but is useless ,thats good to know thanks for the word of caution, so looks lke it might be the rivet and self tapper time.Is yours the same as mine 6 degree beam seams like bugger all,is that a biggy
    NMEA 0183 interface
    Data update rate 1/second
    Power consumption 40mA
    6 degree beam width
    Cheers Rob
    Shut up and fish

  15. #15

    Re: Airmar p 66 help

    Attachment 72694Attachment 72693Thanks heaps guys problem solved ,carefull me not wanting to force anything ,as i tend to break things made of plastic ,it is now locked inplace Attachment 72692 How is the angle now ,does it look well placed .

    Cheers and thanks heaps everyone.Rob
    Shut up and fish

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