My big weekend on the water started out in the upper reaches of the Coomera River in search of a feed of Muddies. That trip started out around 2.00am on the water and all pots were out. Then as expected down she came. Rain and heaps of it. Lucky I had my trusty bilge pump with me, she was crankin. I was fishing in my river rat which is a Rosco barra extream 15ft canoe.
Later during the trip the rain eased off and I was able too dry out a little. The Phone rings and my mate gives me word too get ready for an outside trip. Ok here we go pull pick and collect the pots. With all the throw backs I was lucky to have one keeper. and a few bream that I scored while passing the time.
That's fine I thought a wet arse and dinner on the table..., better than nothing. Little did I know that the rain that I tuffed out is nothing compared too what's to unfold later offshore!
So making things short. Here we both are Offshore. the conditions were fair a slight ruffle on the water, but more than fishable. A few trag and pearl took the hook. We were happy with the action that we were getting, all is good and everyone is having a good time.
A few hours pass, and on the Goldy Horizon, one mother of a storm is brewing. She's HUGE and she's building fast. We made the decision too stay out as we would cop the best of it heading home. And getting through the Sea Way wouldn't be fun at all with all of that going on.
So tuff it out we did. The Epirb was ready for deployment Life jackets on, and flares ready too go, I even went to the effort to quickly make some long grab ropes and tied them off on the bow rails. Just in case the worst happened and we were the wrong way up. Better safer than sorry.
The Rain was cyclonic the lightning connecting with the Q1 tower was breath taking. The surge had grunt. We both took turns at the wheel facing our 6 meter Sea Jay Haven
straight into the brunt off the mess that we're in. In gear all the time and keeping an eye on the G.P.S. as the conditions are now white out to black out. The Goldy Horizon has vanished. Yes we're now in the shit. What an experience, We keep up our spirit's with the good old Aussie humor! She's right we've had worse than this type of thing.
We took this on, for just around one and a half hours. Then as nature intended, all is well after a storm. After the thumping that we copped, the fishing went on and at the end of the trip we both did well.
When I got back too the ramp. I got down on hands and knees and kissed that ramp at Loders Creek. There's nothing like doing the Pope when you've just endured that. Solid ground never felt so good.
Enjoy the pic's