My wife bought me a pretty flash looking Ipod. Now, I am a techo idiot. I always thought Ipods were music machines. I had a look & it has alot more than I thought on it. It has "Weather, Safari, Camera" & heaps more. I never knew it could take photos!!
My question is, how do I get it to become linked to the "internet", if thats what it is, so I can log on & check what BOM, Seabreeze, are saying, particularly after the last few days with these very fast moving storms coming through. Quite a few boats got hammered with hail last week off Noosa. I was sitting in my office & saw the front coming through. It looked fearsome & was very glad I was not on the water, but if I was out there, I would like to "log on" & check what is coming at me so I can bail quickly & get back to the river mouth. I like going out to the Hards, so it is a fair way back to Noosa if it all goes to crap, so any assistance in what to do would be appreciated. We struggle getting mobile reception that far out, if that is in any way linked to what I am asking. Like I said, I am a techno dinosaur, struggling to keep up.