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Thread: Garmin Charts??

  1. #1

    Garmin Charts??

    G'day all, having recently purchased a garmin 750 with the pre loaded aus/nz chart i have been doing some playing around. I note with interest that garmin are claiming the existence of a sea mount rising to about 8 meters from 100 about 8 mile due east of boat rock. Now i don't fish this area at all but as far as i'm aware that doesn't exist??

    What are people's general observations on the accuracy of these pre loaded garmin charts?


  2. #2

    Re: Garmin Charts??

    Hi Scott, i have the same unit only used about 6 times and finding accuracy to be great i purchased the G.2 Vision card as well. Just returned from 1770 and info and detail on outer reefs seemed very good. Cheers Rod.

  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member whiteman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Townsville Qld

    Re: Garmin Charts??

    The charts on my 750 are spot on out on the reefs off Lucinda. The paper charts are nowhere near as accurate. This has been a HUGE bonus of the 750. When you get back to base you can load your track into HomePort and verify the depth - it is an awesome feature for planning trips.

  4. #4

    Re: Garmin Charts??

    hey mate sea mounts are not there they are on the max sea sea map as well i discovered them 4-5 yrs ago on the furuno program and thought i was onto something , not sure why or what the storie is behind the charting but i will spend a bit of time out there this marlin season and check some more of it out .

  5. #5

    Re: Garmin Charts??

    Thanks for the feedback all, yeah, been comparing the garmin against my old navionis gold chart side by side on the computer and not huge differences overall but where they are different the differences are big, ie, that seamount i mentioned is not even on the navionics. The garmin chart i recon is not as "accurate" as far as bottom formation goes as the navionics but the garmin has more detail, better contour interval etc. Anyway, i've got it now so no turning back.

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