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Outboard playing up
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Thread: Outboard playing up

  1. #1

    Outboard playing up

    My 99 Evinrude 150hp is playing up a bit I am pretty sure they are 2 seperate issues.

    Issue 1 has been going on for a while and its steadily getting worse. On a cold start it starts perfectly but after running for a few minutes it will cut out instantly no stumble just instantly dies. RPM doesnt seem to matter if the rpm is high enough it just dies momentarily then catches again.

    It used to start almost straight away but the last time I went out it battled. After choking a bit it would start and rev up and then die like there wasnt fuel in the float bowl. After pumping the bulb firm I got it running and it farted and stumbled a bit before it cleared up. It then ran the rest of the day without an issue.

    This seems like an ignition issue except for the issues on once it started which makes me think there was no fuel in the float bowls.

    Issue 2 raised its head after doiung about 60km and nearly home, a few cylinders died and it was was missfiring and farting at cruise I kept it going and once I got to the marina I floored it a few times and it revved up fine at full throttle but seemed to missfire at a cruise throttle position.

    I suspect some gunk has found its way into the carbs for the 2nd problem. Any ideas?
    BOAT really does mean Bring out Another Thousand

  2. #2

    Re: Outboard playing up

    Hi Duane,
    Issue 2 seems to me to be a dicky temp sensor sending the motor into limp mode for short durations. My Son-in-laws Rude just went thru the same thing but ended up not dropping out of limp mode. Limp mode drops the revs back to about 1k by dropping cylinder spark to a few pots, runs like a swiss cheese turd. If you are sure the motor has good water flow, disconnect the tan/blue trace wire from the temp sensor and give it a run. If it runs well it is the sensor plus the alarm is rooted in the hand control module for overheating, they die regularly and are not noticed they are dead cuz the motor needs to overheat to trigger them.

    Issue 1 could be a heap of things, does it have an electronic choke solenoid?? Could be something to do with the electrical signal to close the choke going where it is not meant to?? We found a cable tie that had crushed two wires in the harness recently causing a signal error and similar drop out, on a car but could well happen on a boat.

    Frustrating things these bloody boats, yaks are much less hassle and cheaper. Probably more fun to land big fish from too.

  3. #3

    Re: Outboard playing up

    Thanks for the input but my motor doesnt go into a limp mode I was doing about 3500rpm when it was playing up. YAks are less complicated but I cant get where I want to be with a yak nor cover as much ground
    BOAT really does mean Bring out Another Thousand

  4. #4

    Re: Outboard playing up

    It does in part sound like a carby problem but I'd be checking the tank for water before pulling the carbies down.
    I hope I never have to do mine it looks like you have to pull half the motor apart to get them off.
    I noticed FNQCairns mentioned the old trick of giving it a hard rev & blocking the carby throat while holding the throttle open to suck the crap through the jets does anyone do that nowdays I wonder?
    Anyway tilt the boat way up & use your primer to pump some fuel out of the tank to see if it's free of water unless you have a water separator on it.
    Do you normally prime it before starting and did you check the primer bulb when it was playing up, it should be full of fuel.

  5. #5
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Outboard playing up

    Mate, check the primer bulb. Acts as if running out of fuel. Cheers Pete.

  6. #6
    I have a water separator and no water was present. The primer bulb is a relatively new genuine one but I am changing it and the filter.

    Sent from my X10i using Tapatalk
    BOAT really does mean Bring out Another Thousand

  7. #7

    Re: Outboard playing up

    Unlikely IMO to get a complete instant shutdown from a fuel problem, they sputter to stop.

  8. #8

    Re: Outboard playing up

    Sounds a bit like the black box biso to me, but as has been mentioned it could be a few things. As Noelm would say, do the easy things first and that is plugs and fuel. Carbi cleaner through each carbi is simple and cheap.

  9. #9
    Ausfish Addict Chimo's Avatar
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    Gold Coast

    Re: Outboard playing up

    Hi Fishhunter

    Maybe one reason for the motor to cut out especially, when you have a few revs up, is that the fuel pump diaphram which has a spring on boths sides of it is now only connected to one of the springs so the fuel flow can be adequate at low revs but once you increase the revs the low fuel flow eventually causes the motor to just run out of fuel and just die. For some reason the spring comes away from one side. If after its been sitting for a while you are able to start and run the motor this would appear consistent with this issue. It happened to both my 97 Evinrudes but 10 hrs apart. The first one took a long time to diagnose the second one a few minutes.

    The other issue is more than likely electrical and you probably need a good marine tech on the job with experience and the right test gear. Good luck with it.

    What could go wrong.......................

  10. #10

    Re: Outboard playing up

    Chimo a fuel pump issue did cross my mind the only fly in the ointment is it only happens in the 1st 10 or 15 minutes from a cold start and will happen at idle or with revs up and its also a hard cut. But I will check the pump anyway.
    BOAT really does mean Bring out Another Thousand

  11. #11
    Ausfish Addict Chimo's Avatar
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    Gold Coast

    Re: Outboard playing up

    Probably still worth checking, maybe both spring connections are suss?

    What could go wrong.......................

  12. #12

    Re: Outboard playing up

    Wouldn't a '99 Evinrude be fuel injected? A fitch or whatever they're called.

  13. #13
    Clearly its not as it has carbs. Afaik 99 was the year they changed over to Efi

    Sent from my X10i using Tapatalk
    BOAT really does mean Bring out Another Thousand

  14. #14

    Re: Outboard playing up

    That's the trouble with the internet FH, from my point of view I don't know if you know the difference between carbs & throttle bodies or what year model your motor is.
    Typing can lead to a lot of misunderstandings.

    Does that motor have some sort of automatic idle control for when it's cold?
    Do you normally prime it before starting and did you check the primer bulb when it was playing up, it should be full of fuel.

  15. #15

    Re: Outboard playing up

    Quote Originally Posted by Fed View Post
    That's the trouble with the internet FH, from my point of view I don't know if you know the difference between carbs & throttle bodies or what year model your motor is.
    Typing can lead to a lot of misunderstandings.

    Does that motor have some sort of automatic idle control for when it's cold?
    I tend to assume that most people with a functioning brain know the difference between carbs and fuel injection.

    It may have an automatic idle control I am not sure.
    From my point of view I am not sure if you can read english as I stated very clearly in my fault description that it can cut out at any rpm.
    BOAT really does mean Bring out Another Thousand

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