My 99 Evinrude 150hp is playing up a bit I am pretty sure they are 2 seperate issues.
Issue 1 has been going on for a while and its steadily getting worse. On a cold start it starts perfectly but after running for a few minutes it will cut out instantly no stumble just instantly dies. RPM doesnt seem to matter if the rpm is high enough it just dies momentarily then catches again.
It used to start almost straight away but the last time I went out it battled. After choking a bit it would start and rev up and then die like there wasnt fuel in the float bowl. After pumping the bulb firm I got it running and it farted and stumbled a bit before it cleared up. It then ran the rest of the day without an issue.
This seems like an ignition issue except for the issues on once it started which makes me think there was no fuel in the float bowls.
Issue 2 raised its head after doiung about 60km and nearly home, a few cylinders died and it was was missfiring and farting at cruise I kept it going and once I got to the marina I floored it a few times and it revved up fine at full throttle but seemed to missfire at a cruise throttle position.
I suspect some gunk has found its way into the carbs for the 2nd problem. Any ideas?