Having read numerous posts about this time of year and some big Cobia around Western Rocks. We just had to give it a try.
Caught many around 20kg elsewhere but this was a Stonker 38KG caught by my mate Blackie.
Perfect day and conditions and headed to Western rocks on Fishy Joeys boat a perfect plan executed and the result came on live Yakka on a balloon:
Blackies Cobia caught at Western rocks Saturday in perfect conditions...
Left gentlemans hours stopped at 4 beacons filled up on live bait saw a window of good conditions and pushed to Western Rocks Fantastic weather, while it lasted.
near the new moon and a high at 11am and we had to go..
Found the bait anchored and Berleyed up lots of small juvenile grassies but as long as we were putting down berley and pulling up the juveniles we were attracting attention, did not take long and the rods started having Liveys taken.
Got one big cobe 1 hour 15 min on 30 lb and that was our day made.
Got back into to the sheltered part at the ramp at port of Brisbane as the wind hit..THANKS 4BC
Found some of our chopped up Berley wrasses and pillies in its stomach, so that certainly worked well
Cheers Mark