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Thread: Last few weeks of fishing...

  1. #1

    Last few weeks of fishing...

    Hey all,

    Have been doing a bit of fishing in the last few weeks. Been getting out a bit when Uni has been quiet. The fishing has been mixed. Caught some good fish but have also had a few dud sessions. Still, the good fish have made up for it.

    I have been spending a bit of time fishing the seaway. First few sessions were very good with a fair amount of Trevally hitting the decks. They were a heap of fun. Even had a few bust offs on 20lb. Biggest I managed to land was in the 60s. There was also a few jewies around. I lost one at the boat while trying to land it by myself. Nothing huge, probably close to 70-80cm. Still dissapointing not to land it! I did get one small one though. Didnt measure but I would guess somewhere in the 50s.

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	71987

    Click image for larger version. 

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    There was a few fruitless sessions there but after seeing kingies and bigger jew being caught by other anglers out there it was always too hard to give it a miss. Knowing there was a chance of landing a kingy or a big jew.

    Spent yesterday fishing the bay, conditions were awesome! The best weather of the week and I was keen to try somewhere different after a few donuts around the Goldy. Started off chasing snapper near Peel and managed to land this monster Morwong! Going 70cm. Was a bit dissapointed to see a Morwong come up but still was a lot of fun on 10lb. Got a few undersize squire and other assorted random reefies which were fun for a while. We spotted a few birds diving nearby so went over to have a look. Turned out to be Tailor and Dart chasing small bait. We got into them for a while which again was a bit of fun before they went quiet.

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	71986

    The main plan was to go look for mack tuna which I heard were around. So we went for a bit of a drive and it wasnt long till we spotted them. Heaps of schools busting up all over the place but they were extremely spooky. Spent a lot of time trying to get within casting range and really struggled. Also noticed the baitfish they were feeding on were tiny. About an inch long. I downsized gear and went to my bream rod with 10lb and a 7gram slug. Instantly receiving one hook up which the hooks pulled from pretty soon. Took a little while longer before hooking another and this one stayed hooked. The fight was long on the bream gear (45min) but was worth it in the end! Going 85cm (I think) and 7kg. I was stoked to land it on such light gear!

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	71985

    Stayed out a bit longer chasing the schools, my mate got one similar sized and then we decided to head back in as we were running low on fuel. Turns out we made it back with plenty to spare but was better to be safe then sorry.

    Also added a link to a clip I made of some of the trevally a few weeks ago.


  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member Funchy's Avatar
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    Re: Last few weeks of fishing...

    Great stuff mate. Looks like a lot of fun. Were you using SP's may I ask?

  3. #3

    Re: Last few weeks of fishing...

    Great read, loved the clip. Cheers mate.
    tight lines, Mossy

  4. #4

    Re: Last few weeks of fishing...

    Quote Originally Posted by Funchy View Post
    Great stuff mate. Looks like a lot of fun. Were you using SP's may I ask?
    Hey mate,

    Caught a lot of trevally on plastics. 5inch gulp jerkshads on 1/2 jigheads mainly. Jewie was caught on a livey. Morwong was on a 3inch gulp minnow or shrimp. (cant remember I was throwing a variety of stuff) and the tuna was on a small river2sea slug.


  5. #5

    Re: Last few weeks of fishing...

    Great vid mate. Welldone

  6. #6

    Re: Last few weeks of fishing...

    Wow good size Mack Tuna on light gear would have been a challenge.
    Never caught one myself but have seen them bust up and they sure have some power.


  7. #7

    Re: Last few weeks of fishing...

    great read, great vid, great report, well done mate!

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