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Thread: Old green glass beach rod?

  1. #1

    Old green glass beach rod?

    Hi guys, i know its not much to go on, but i have eyed off an old abandoned olive green surf rod in my father in laws garage.

    The rod its self is the olive green colour (not painted, but impregnated into the resin), it has a chromed brass ferrule, short cork fore grip and an short cork rear grip which exposes the blank up to a maple sandsipke. It also has a chromed brass reel seat and the guides were of white ceramic construction wrapped using red thread. the action seems nice but it does feel top heavy a tad.

    I wouldnt mind using this as a practice rod but would appreciate it if anyone would have any clue as to who made these blanks/rods as i have not seen this colour before. length is 144 inches i think (obviously there are no distinguishing features on it)

  2. #2

    Re: Old green glass beach rod?

    The blank sounds like one of the rods that were handed down by my grandfather (it sticks out as all the others are yellow... L.B. Power rods mostly). This rod has a low mount reel seat for an Alvey and obviously no sandspike. In fact I caught my first tailor on that rod 20 years ago. I'll ask one of my uncles if he knows its origin. I'll post if I get anything helpful out of him.

  3. #3

    Re: Old green glass beach rod?

    Sounds like an old Butterworth like Stonkered said ,made one about 30 years ago for Tailor,not a bad rod from memory.
    Cheers Rob

  4. #4

    Re: Old green glass beach rod?

    would a photo help you guys out in confirming?

    i have removed the guides and cork grips, after that i ran a plastic ruler up and down the rod and it has removed a large potion of the leftover crumbled resin, this was followed by a buff in fine steel weel and in super fie steel wool, it looks really nice and ready for a new set of grips and guides!

  5. #5

    Re: Old green glass beach rod?

    Len or Darryl Butterworth did a run of surf rods back in the 70's that were green, darker than olive for certain but that could be ageing changing the colour. They were the only rod I know of that were green. Often saw them with bound fore grips using plastic tube or twine as well.

  6. #6

    Re: Old green glass beach rod?

    well, here is the rod in question. i have measured it and it seems to be a 120inch rod not 144 as i stated earlier


  7. #7

    Re: Old green glass beach rod?

    My money is on a Butterworth PowerRod damn good blanks they wuz

  8. #8

    Re: Old green glass beach rod?

    so it might be worth putting this one back into action? or is it good for tomato stakes?

  9. #9

    Re: Old green glass beach rod?

    Quote Originally Posted by tunaticer View Post
    Often saw them with bound fore grips using plastic tube or twine as well.
    This rod has a twine foregrip and the reel seat looks to be the same as in the photo (though a lot less shiny!)

  10. #10

    Re: Old green glass beach rod?

    Quote Originally Posted by MrMullet View Post
    so it might be worth putting this one back into action? or is it good for tomato stakes?
    Rebuild it and enjoy it mate, perfect for the job they were designed for, tailor off the beach or rocks.

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