Anyone got a second hand johno with a power trim in good nick they want to get rid of. or are there any places to get a replacement that you can recommend. Cheers
Anyone got a second hand johno with a power trim in good nick they want to get rid of. or are there any places to get a replacement that you can recommend. Cheers
Usual wreckers but it won't be cheap and ebay if there happens to be one with a failed powerhead.
USA is so much cheaper for trimunits if you can wait for it to be sent over.
Have you pulled yours apart to see what the problem is? You 100% sure it is the unit not electrical?
Yeah mate the chrome has come off the ram in places and cut out the seal, leakes oil and now has trouble lifting motor under speed. will probably have a look in states and see how much they are asking compared to our dealers.
That is pretty crap after only 10 years - not good enough I reckon. I have had larger units moored for 10 years , never washed and not had a problem with the ram shafts as they are normaly stainless - some pitting.
I know some of the smaller ones are "chromed" but assumed that would be pretty tough.
I'd be into the wrecker for a whole unit or use a pin spanner and remove the ram, seals and replace them. With parts prices a 2nd hand may be cheaper. Bloody motors themselves area few hundred so don't turf your old one.
I got one of these and don't have a problem...crossed fingers!!!!
I have one with a seriously sick powerhead. Whats it worth to you?
G-day dodgyone what kind of nick is yours in has any of the chrome come off ram.what are you doing with the motor are you going to wreck for parts. what part of th country are you in.If I knew how to send a message to you i would and talk about price.
You must be low on oil because the ram leak would only effect the down motion.Yeah mate the chrome has come off the ram in places and cut out the seal, leakes oil and now has trouble lifting motor under speed.
Could be a proposition to just buy a replacement ram & seals?