I've just acquired a new tinny and have been really keen to target bream around the Gold Coast canals. This morning I headed down to the boatramp at the Convention Centre at first light to try my luck. I have reasonable gear but unfortunately didn't really know where to go. The tide had just turned and was starting to run in. I stuffed around for awhile at the mouth of the canal just past the TE Peters Drive bridge with no sucess so thought I would try a couple of drifts past the Convention Centre. I was using 2" Gulp prawns in banana prawn colour and the new ecogear bream prawn which was recommended to me.
Got a good hit along the front of the convention centre but didnt catch it.
Things were looking up at least I got a bite!
Anyway to cut a long story short I caught my first legal bream along in front of Cascade Gardens. Then got another bigger one straight away. Yeeha!!
I got a few hits after that but no more in the boat.
By this time it was about 7.30 and the sun was starting to come up over the trees and the bites pretty much stopped.
The current was becoming stronger and as I don't have an electric motor it was a struggle to control my drifts.
After this I was left wondering about a few things:
Do bream go off the bite when the sun is higher up?
Is there better places to fish around that area when the current becomes too strong in the main canals?
Am I better off anchoring and trying to fish in one spot for awhile?
Would love to hear from anyone who knows about this kinda stuff!!