Originally Posted by
Macks forever
Maybe I could clarify for some of the armchair experts/critics here. Just pick up any old Sunfish magazine or check the various websites and you could find this out for yourselves.
“Sunfish” is not just ONE organization.
Sunfish Queensland is ONE organization, which is an umbrella organization made up of several parts. It does receive funding from government. As far as I am aware this money funds one paid position only, at a salary of something like or not much more than an average secretary/PA. The remaining VERY limited funds [do your own calculations of the 50 cents out of 17 dollars PPV mentioned previously for the total funds out of about 3-4million total PPV]] is used for basic admin and specific projects such as Angler Education Clinics. As far as I can see, the rest of the people involved are all volunteers.
Whether you think they do any good at all, I find the previous comparison to Craig Thompson offensive.
However I do agree they are not proactive/militant enough, nor do they participate in forums like this enough to give the average fisher enough info to keep up to date on their actions. There are a number of other criticisms I have of Sunfish Qld, but none of them relate to the effort they put in, the volunteer hours they give, or the fact that, whether I agree with them or not, in most cases they are doing what they believe is best for recreational fishing in Qld. Some fresh blood/fresh eyes are probably warranted, but who will step up to the plate? Yes there are a few examples of seat warming and protecting a particular patch, as well as a SEQ focus, but as others have said, at least they are making an effort.
As an umbrella organization, Sunfish Queensland has organization members. For reasons unknown to me, Sunfish Queensland does not have individual members.
The members of Sunfish Queensland include various organizations such as ANSA, QAFCA, QGFA, AUFA, FFSAQ, and the Blue Fin Fishing Club. Many of the committee have a strong allegiance to QAFCA.
The rest of the membership of Sunfish Qld is made up of branches.
There are at least half a dozen Sunfish branches around the state. BUT these should not be called branches because they are separately incorporated groups ENTIRELY run by volunteers with NO govt funding [some funding is filtered through Sunfish Qld for fishing clinics]. They are affiliated with Sunfish Qld but are not beholden to Sunfish Qld. I understand that there are parts of Qld that do not have a Sunfish branch active in their region.
I have the utmost respect for these branches and the people in them. They do their own thing in their own areas and this includes various forums, fishing clinics, submissions on various issues, delegations and deputations to fisheries managers, councils, politicians and ministers, etc etc. I know 3 people in just one of these branches who put in over 20 hours each per week working for the recreational anglers, mostly behind the scenes and getting very little thanks. They do it because they see what is wrong and want to improve things for the next generation.
Unfortunately, the biggest problem in this state is not Sunfish but they sure are an easy/soft target for the lazy armchair critics. the major problem in this state is the fisheries managers who have persecuted the recreational fishing sector for the last 20 years, and the politicians who have given them free reign. They continue to pay lip service, and then treat anglers with contempt.
The Burns Inquiry is one example. It was raised by one previous poster who seemed to claim it was all Sunfish’s fault that the recommendations have not been carried out. Sunfish has been pushing for these to be implemented for years but has NO power to force these recommendations into law. It is the politicians who could do that, and unfortunately there has not been one with the guts to take it on since Tom Burns. As far as I have seen, there has only been one with enough guts to even comment on this forum. There have been none with the guts to make any firm commitment to policy for recreational fishing in Qld.