I ticked jew as they are my favourite but I do agree flathead and mangrove jack have to be right up there. Though travelly and tailor have to rate a mention and can increase my adrenalin levels.
Bream, Yellowfin/black
Yellowtail kingfish
Murray Cod
Golden Perch
Trout, Brown/Rainbow
Mackerel (all species)
Billfish (Marlin,Sailfish, Swordfish)
Aus Salmon
Threadfin Salmon (Both types)
Tuna (all species)
Australian Bass
Coral Trout
Red Emperor
I ticked jew as they are my favourite but I do agree flathead and mangrove jack have to be right up there. Though travelly and tailor have to rate a mention and can increase my adrenalin levels.
Baldie/Blue Bone
Estuary/Slimy Cod
Showing bottom bouncing tendency!!!!
Yes you left out all the best: Flathead, Travelly, Mangrove Jack & Whiting,
Otherwise Jew, Tailor and Snapper would have to be on my list.
Oh no Tailor on the list either?
Better start again I think if you want a true vote.
Mangrove Jack. Hit hard, fight harder and are amazing on the tooth.
What the poll tends to indicate the majority of voters are southern based?
1. Red Emporer
2. Spanish Macks
3. Large Mouth Nannygai
4. Coral Trout
Coral trout
Red throat emperor
Fresh Jewfish
Gladstone QLD.
Damo's dodgy boat repairs.
1993 bermuda by Haines 530f - completed resto.
1976 cruisecraft rogue 14 - estuary weapon.
1984 vickers easyrider 156 - future project.
Good things come to those who bait
50cm+ mangrove jacks for sure nothing compares to them
Gt's but there not there so Coral Trout and Reds