ecu for my motor - usa was $500 and here in 10 days
-local distributor was $900 and here in 10 weeks
same manufacturer same part, so buy local is not an option for me with markup like that, they aint even trying!
The reason is they are spending public money, and are required by law to obtain the best value for it. Not use it to prop up local business. In case you had not noticed, progressive Federal Governments since Hawk have been all for free trade, not protectionism, with government procurement policy set to match that. Sure they setup schemes to use local industry from time to time when enough pressure is put on, but they dont increase the budget to match, so it usually all falls over pretty quick as the Department concerned is still expected to deliver the same services for the same (or lower) level of funding. The rare instances where they do stick to local build products usually goes pear shaped, EG Collins class submarines.
In my opinion the policy is wrong, but hey, someone keeps voting them in.
I'd be more than happy for Australian Business and local manufacturing to be mandated in Govt Purchasing policy, rather than the money being spent on set top boxes for pensioners, solar rebates, water tank rebates, lpg rebates, school halls, handouts low income earners so they can go buy plasma TV's, paying bogans to pump out babies and what ever other hair brained handouts have occurred in the last 5 years.
Feral, that is kind of what I alluded to a bit earlier on, would it be better to spend the extra on the Aus made steel/labour/whatever rather than have people on the dole? now the one stumbling block is how to get the "professional" dole recipients to work! maybe we should bring back some sort of mandatory armed forces time, if you are unemployed for a set amount of time, into the army you go, I would reckon a stint under a tough drill leader would soon sort out your dole queue, and this would apply to male and female.
We would all be happy to see money well spent but i don't think this Gov't read the "required by law " bit regarding best value.
Unfortunately the tough drill sergeant thing was labelled bullying some time ago and now are required to be sympathetic to the p15s weak. I think there may be a cop out clause in there as well. Those that want to succeed in the army will and those that don't, well.....
I still think it would be a good idea though
not that i want to get into a huge back and forth here but its in there, but like all government manuals they build in avenues that give Australian vendors preference (key word) these lead into questions that you must quantify and qualify. For instance service may be an issue for an overseas supplier the turnaround lead time for a repair may be 60 days but most aus vendors will be 14 days hence they win preference in that aspect with most of the qualifying questions revolving around sustainability Australian vendors if they put together a good tender should win.
don't get me wrong i share your passion but aussie tenders are a bit slap dash when it comes to a global market
Just my experience i don't want to start a battle
Maybe those who advocate buying an Australian boat at a huge mark-up to similar products bought overseas can answer the question as to how much cost value in an 'Australian boat' actually comprises of components actually manufactured in Australia using Australian resources? It appears to me that all the high end, high value stuff is imported ie electronics, engine, et al and in likelyhood, the low end stuff will mainly be from China (or similar) - but I stand to be corrected.
The value then of an Australian boat is in the design and manufacture. What is so special about an Australian boat build over a USA or UK boat build which inflates the price of a boat over that of overseas competitors at a time when the Aussie dollar has never been stronger? I am inclined to think that Australian boat builders are not the main reason for high boat prices; my thinking is this is due to the inflated imported cost (in comparison to prices which can be obtained from overseas) of the components, particularly the high value components. This money will then mostly go back overseas and the local economy sees little back.
The answer isn't about making people as individuals feel guilty about making overseas purchases but on looking at better ways in which the local boat manufacturers can be rewarded for their design and craftsmanship so that a premium price can be justified. I also cycle and I see parallels here with the cycle industry. Based on volumes prices may never be equalised but I think there is a lot of room for improvement.
My 2c worth!