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Thread: Margate Reef

  1. #16

    Re: Margate Reef

    No Pimp you are wrong, the pontoon has been in the same place as always, it was recently moved (on a high tide I guess) to prepare for whatever the Excavtors are up to. The ramp has been silting up over time, nothing to do with the floods.
    There is nothing at all wrong with the pontoon or having it there, I find it very useful for my passengers, its just the water depth thats the problem.
    Sure is frustrating that they cant get it cleaned out. Contrary to some comments, there are other ramps yes, but they are not weather protected, so you really only have 1 good ramp at either end of the peninsular. Surely they could build or modify and ramp elsewhere to make better access for all the boats that use the bay from this region.

  2. #17

    Re: Margate Reef

    hey flatzie i think it was tongue in cheek comment
    cheers swano

  3. #18

    Re: Margate Reef

    Its a never ending problem with ramps on the peninsula. The ramp at queens beach and Margate are not useable at low tide due to sand build up.

  4. #19

    Re: Margate Reef

    Let them have their weekend, the fish wont be biting there anyway..... as I said I am not a skiier or racer, I just dont see what the fuss is about, and how its really any different to a mob of dickheads roaring about in skeeters claiming to chase bream which nobody seems to care about....


    Hi Shane, Mate the event is fine in my book and good on them, but as the sign says it's not just the weekend they are locking up the ramp, carpark etc, it's for two weeks, from the 5/9/11 to the 18/9/11.

    And yes any fish around Woody Point will be half way to Norfolk Island once those big boats start roaring around and i agree with you about the bream comp guys who seem to think they have all the rights just because they are in a comp and to hell with all others.

    As i have said, if it was just a couple of weekends, no problems with me, but two weeks straight, No Way.


  5. #20

    Re: Margate Reef

    Well if that is the case it is an outrage, but I am pretty sure that its only the weekends. I wont put the house on it, but I was led to believe that was the case. I very rarely use that ramp so have not seen the sign I will admit, so didnt know that it may be closed for a couple of weeks. If it is..... thats shit

  6. #21

    Re: Margate Reef


    Queensland Notices to Mariners


    (Temporary) of 2011

    Brisbane pilotage area

    Locality: Bramble Bay, Moreton Bay

    Activity: aquatic event - water ski racing

    Mariners are advised that World Water Ski Racing Championships will are to be conducted in

    Bramble Bay in Moreton Bay from Friday, 9 to Sunday, 18 September 2011 during the hours

    0800 to 1700 daily.

    An exclusion zone will be enforced during the above times. No unauthorised ship is to enter the

    area bounded by the following points, as shown on the attached chart A1-311;

    Woody Point; to

    latitude 27° 16.193' S, longitude 153° 06.871' E; to

    latitude 27° 16.589' S, longitude 153° 06.786' E; to

    latitude 27° 17.000' S, longitude 153° 06.204' E; to

    latitude 27° 17.000' S, longitude 153° 05.158' E; to

    latitude 27° 15.942' S, longitude 153° 04.770' E; to

    Clontarf Point; then

    back along the Shore East to Woody Point

    Mariners should navigate with caution, and not enter the area.

    Cancel this Notice: Tuesday, 20 September 2011

    AUS charts affected: 236

    Maritime Safety Queensland charts affected:

    Moreton Bay – Manly to Mooloolaba (MB1)

    Maritime Safety Queensland Beacon to Beacon Directory 8
    th edition map: 77

    Note: latitude and longitude positions on WGS84 horizontal datum (compatible with GDA94 datum).

    For further information about this notice, please contact:

    Authorised by: Director (Maritime Services)

    Issued: Brisbane 31 August 2011

    The Brisbane Regional Harbour Master’s office on 07 3860 3500.
    Some info says ski racing from the 8th other sources say 9th but the sign at Pelican Park says from the 5th of September, probably giving them time to clean the dredging mess that's down there
    Above is the notice to mariners about the event. While looking for info about this race i also found a link in the Moreon Bay Regional Council Web pages that was susposed to lead to info about a study to the Clontarf Foreshore Open Space Planning Study, however the link would not connect, i wonder if there is some underhanded stuff going on there????? I would hate to lose Pelican Park, the ramp and the car/trailer parking to a string of multi storey buildings, in other words a quick buck for the council. Sorry guys, with all the other crap going on in our world, green zones, carbon taxes etc, i guess i am just becoming very cynical.


    Last edited by Obi _ Wan; 03-09-2011 at 07:24 PM. Reason: layout changes

  7. #22

    Re: Margate Reef

    Anyway, isnt margate reef pretty much all a green zone ?

  8. #23

    Re: Margate Reef

    Quote Originally Posted by kingcray View Post
    Anyway, isnt margate reef pretty much all a green zone ?
    No, I think you mean south reef which is near scotts point.

    i want a bigger boat

    Call Sign "In-Vince-able" VHF 72

  9. #24

    Re: Margate Reef

    RACQ mate !

  10. #25

    Re: Margate Reef

    The pontoon has been. there long before the January floods. I think you hit the nail on the head when you said the words "no knowledgeable government"

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