ive gota a 40hp 92 merc im trying to sell it but the engine won't start.
ive got fresh fuel and flushed all the lines to the outboard.
when i pull the pull starter it feels quite stiff.
any ideas?
ive gota a 40hp 92 merc im trying to sell it but the engine won't start.
ive got fresh fuel and flushed all the lines to the outboard.
when i pull the pull starter it feels quite stiff.
any ideas?
hi gros21.
that would make it a bit harder to sell. have you checked for spark? might just need new plugs.
fishing's as simple as 3 P's - patience, perserverance and PLASTIC!
Stiff as in constant load ??? or feel compression resistance say 3 or 4 each pull???
A marriage licence should be like your fishing licence!
Expires every year and you get a 3 day pass when you go interstate.
Hello Gros21,
Was it running OK 9 months ago?
Stiff, is that constant stiff or is it the bumps of compression that you feel?
Have you removed the sparkplugs and checked for freedom of movement?
Any scraping/rubbing sounds when turned over without the sparkplugs?
Being very careful to not get zapped - Checked for spark at each plug?
Is it elecric start?
Is it turning over or not?
Does it kick at all?
This is just to establish a baseline.
Good luck!
Have you drained the carbies?
Thatd be a real good place to start.
ok 9 moths ago it was running but hasn't had much use in 2 years.
pull start 4 cylinder 2 carb 40 hp.
i can't remember how stiff it was 9 montsh ago.
its stiff as in compression stiff a lighter bloke would wanta damm good fitting to get it 2 crank.
i havent looked at teh plugs yet ive been flat out 2day with getting ready for going out of town.
would giving her a spray of carp cleaner or start ya bastard do any good.
in netural propeller spins freely both one
put in hear it wont spinone way but other way makes a ratching sound.
doesnt even sound liek it wants to start
drain the carbs how do i do that then do i just pump some fresh fuel through the lines?
is it as easy as it sounds?
Yes, as simple as it sounds and probably the only problem. There will be a drain screw at the bottom of each carb, open this screw,let the fuel drain out. Then prime again and you will have fresh fuel going to the motor.
remove the spark plugs and see how easy it is to turn the engine over by the pull starter if there is resistance u might have rusted rings on the piston from sitting without being fogged
no worries ill havea look for carb drain next weekend do ineed to remove carbs or any thing? and is it just agrub screw?
Hello gros21,
Good news that it was running OK.
I think that you need to check spark and fuel.
Be careful to not get zapped as outboards have much hotter spark than a lawnmower etc.
Pull the plugs and check for spark.
**** By the way, are you sure that the ignition is on and that the kill lanyard(if fitted) is in the run position.****
If you get good spark then try the carbies.
If it is a two cylinder motor, one carbie or two?
When you drain the fuel try to catch it to see if there is dirt/sludge etc.
Catching the fuel also helps revent fire!!!!!.
After draining, as you squeeze the primer you should be able to hear the petrol squirt into the carbs, if not you have a fuel blockage before the carbs.
the drains on the carbs should be a small bolt on the bottom of each one.
draining the carbs may do nothing. having been sitting for that long the jets may be clogged with crap.
A few things i was told with engines no matter what they are.
if they have sat for any decent amount of time, never try to start them without pulling the plugs and giving them a small shot of oil.
b4 you even turn fuel on or connect the lines, you add the oil, leaving the plugs out and turn it over by hand a few times just to lube
the bores up a bit first. as my late dad used to love to remind me. there are only two things all engines need. fuel and spark. easy things first.. make sure there is spark then fuel.
This will come across as harsh but based on the above information so far, I wouldn't want to be the poor bugger who bought this engine.
Have it professionally serviced.
its a <$2000 boat done what it wanted to now im in to kayaking.
yep the swich on the tiller steer is up.
4 cylinder twin carb.
yea at least of i flush to the carbs i know its nota fuel issue.
kinda think its the carbs gummed up.
is there a easy fix to un gum them. carby butter flys do open.
whats a service cost?
Take plugs out, squirt little bit of fuel into cylinders, put plugs back in. One hard yank and if shes got spark she will run and clean the crap out pretty quickly.
Its amazing what a bit of persuasion can do when they wont start.