Can of 'Start yer barstard' should cause it to fire up straight away. May be enough to get it going properly. If no bang, then may be a spark issue.
Can of 'Start yer barstard' should cause it to fire up straight away. May be enough to get it going properly. If no bang, then may be a spark issue.
Start ya bastard is a bastard of a thing to do to a 2 stroke. Means that ether is run through the crankcase and strips oil off bearings and then moror starts without lubrication in top and bottom end.- not good. Depending on compression / timing of motor you can also end up with engine damage.
Propper fuel oil going through at least wets and lubes a 2 stroke before it fires normally so solve the fuel and spark issue and you will have a running motor. Don't g revving the crap ourt of it and I would add a little extra oild to lube it up for the first run.
Once started keep a eye on the telltail especially if the motor diesn't have a overheat alarm as impellers left stationary have a tedancy to fail. Make sure you be honest with the buyer that the motor hasn't been serviced and imp should be replaced. Risking not doing a carby service may mean the motor runs lean and may detonate if ther eis gum and blockage.
For future reference when putting a boat away it is best if you run it off a tote tank with a bit of extra oil and a stabiliser in the fuel , fog it with a fogging oil drain down teh carbs and fuel lines a sit protects the bores and bearings and restarting is not much extra hassle- just a bit of smoke and replace the plugs. Turning it over in storage ensures everything stays free with a little extra fog and turning gearbox the same.
If there is no other cause I really don't like the sound of a "stiff motor" as it may indicate rust on the bores , binding rings and possibly bearings with rust on em. Takes a lot of life out of a motor and may be the early death of it depending on how bad.
Let us know how you go and if teh motor has any odd clicking, rattling sounds once you have it started
OK, as mentioned, DO NOT spray starting type fluid anywhere near it, DO NOT spray carb cleaner anywhere near it, dismantling and rebuilding carbs is the way to clean them, the propelllor situation seems to be pretty normal from what I can sypher out of the typos, let us know how it is going and we will get back to you.
I had a similar problem after over 12mths idle. The problem is you can't get all the fuel out when running and the fuel and oil mix left in the Carby ends up turning to sticky substance and the float sticks to the bottom and won't move. The only alternative is to remove the carby and clean it out and blow out all the fuel passages with compressed air.
That will fix the fuel side.
i had alook at the carbs late last nite. on the fuel bowlsthe bottom one has a nut and the top carb has line goin back up tp the top (vent)
my mate is looking at it this week end for me he is a engine guru and has a 25hp merc of the same style/era. his even keen to buy it once she is goin to leave at his parents at gladstone just to save him driving his boat 300km round trip almost fortnightly.
for $1500 u can't expect much but am being 100% honest and saying its barely been used in 2 years could do with a good service, plugs were done when i got it as were 2 fuel filters and gear box oil.
Guys that are looking at it only want it for a creek basher/1st boat boats a solid hull but if we cant get it going this week end i will get in the local outboard service guy and see what he says.