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Thread: No Bloody Bream

  1. #1

    No Bloody Bream

    Left home about later than planned on Tuesday arvo..headed down the M1 to launch at Horizon Shores. How anyone travels backwards and forwards on that carpark every day is beyond my comprehension.

    Launched and headed down to Tiger Mullet..arrived just on dusk..first cast..31cm bream. 3rd bewdy says I..could be a good session.

    Well..that was the session. Moved from deeper water into the shallows as the tide came in and still nothing. Not a bite.

    I did have one of those moments..where you are sitting there all alone..all is good with the world then all of a sudden a bloody noise makes ya jump..bloody dolphin surfacing close by.

    Well...after a few hours of nothing, I said to myself.."Self, time to head home..this is crap".

    Simple run back home to the ramp with the moon need for spotlight or even a torch...arrived home at 11.30 pm...with little to show for the trip.

    That is the bream expeditions over for me this winter..the bream season that never was.

    But..was a glorious evening on the water.

  2. #2

    Re: No Bloody Bream

    Quote Originally Posted by PinHead View Post
    But..was a glorious evening on the water.

    That it was. Did you see the moon rising in the east at just before 8 pm?

    If I die tomorrow, I will die happy knowing that I saw that moon rise out of the black in the east last night. Awesome!

    Sorry to hear that the bream season was not what you have hoped for, Greg. I have appreciated reading your reports, though. Many thanks for them.


  3. #3

    Re: No Bloody Bream

    Thanks for the Bream report Greg !

    Was a very mixed bream season, some good catches back in June that had thinned out by late July !! I would call a reasonable season for Jumpnpin, way better than last season!!
    As for Caloundra it was a non-event....did not hear of one good catch.......go figure ?

    Only 9 months before we play with Mullet Gut again !!!!


  4. #4

    Re: No Bloody Bream

    thats a bugger about the bream but beautiful part of the world the Pin,
    Tangles KFC

  5. #5

    Re: No Bloody Bream

    yes Bruce..was great watching it rise.

    Craig..still not a good season....those were the days when a hundred bream was classed as a good season..never quite managed those numbers best was 80 odd in a night.
    We will have to organise another M&G down the Pin next winter.

    Mike..get outta the office and get the new boat down there.

  6. #6

    Re: No Bloody Bream

    M&G down the Pin next year, now thats an idea!
    Tangles KFC

  7. #7

    Re: No Bloody Bream

    Greg & Mike,

    For sure, must have another M&G around a new moon in late June 2012.
    Prime time and all should catch fish (Bream &Flathead).
    Stay in the camp ground/Huts, a Visit to the tavern, fresh fish for breakfast, tell your best stories about "Touchy", etc....

    As for this Bream Season, it compares o.k to many I have fished over the last 17 years that I have kept records (many are just mental and they could be clouded by Rum). I never fished back in the days of "Cricket Score" catches fishing solo, but would go out on limb and say those days are nearly gone, harsh to expect current catches to compare with those of the 80's or earlier. Be interesting to see what happens next season and how it compares to 2011.

    Mike, will you be joining us to make a 3 boat assault on the Breambos next
    year ?


  8. #8

    Re: No Bloody Bream

    Craigie, i would be first hand up, fond memories of past M&G down there in those cabins,

    see what you started Greg?
    Tangles KFC

  9. #9

    Re: No Bloody Bream

    You had a few good sessions earlier on didn't you Greg? Perhaps you haven't been shining your blades and SP's enough lately.

    Whats next in line after the bream season finishes?

  10. #10

    Re: No Bloody Bream

    Quote Originally Posted by Jarrah Jack View Post
    You had a few good sessions earlier on didn't you Greg? Perhaps you haven't been shining your blades and SP's enough lately.

    Whats next in line after the bream season finishes?
    and there i was JJ, thinking that you were an alright bloke for a mexican and you come out with something like that.
    Blades and SP's for night bream fishing..that is bordering on blasphemy..I use chook gut..craigie uses mullet gut..nothing better than those 2 baits.

    What's next? some dams to explore...
    some estuary fishing during summer and perhaps a couple of offshore charters.

  11. #11

    Re: No Bloody Bream

    I have got a fair few bream off Scarbrough reef from time to time a mate of mine uses chicken mixed with olive oil and Parmersan cheese the little buggers love it funny enough.

  12. #12

    Re: No Bloody Bream

    Raw chicken but with the fat on it works well too, but you have to have half fat half chicken or it floats.

    Don't see many do burley up here but a loaf of bread mixed/water with sand can bring the bream around, and the flatty.

  13. #13

    Re: No Bloody Bream

    got 30 good bream in 1hr 30 at double island in july

  14. #14

    Re: No Bloody Bream

    MRD..never used berley for bream in my life.

  15. #15

    Re: No Bloody Bream

    Quote Originally Posted by PinHead View Post
    and there i was JJ, thinking that you were an alright bloke for a mexican and you come out with something like that.
    Sorry to disappoint you Pinhead but don't take it too bad, the sooner you find out these things the better. The translation between mexican and banana bender can go a bit astray as well sometimes too mate.

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