I need your guidance in what to do next. I installed a brand new Teleflex Steering Unit, cable, etc.
Hooked it back together and the steering is very stiff and not right.
But the steering issues are still persisting with stiff steering.
Also, steering does not fully complete a full cycle (to starboard) but does full turn to port side.
Out of desperation and bought a pump gun, and pumped the 2 nipples full of grease.
After 5 mins of constant turning, it seems to be a little better, but still retains that 'heavy' feeling...
The rubber sleeve that I have attached a picture of appears worn on the inside and thinking of replacing it.
Would this sleeve impact on the smoothness of steering?
Also, I am unable to locate a part number for this sleeve. Can you help and provide this part number?
Also, there is lock pin that I am supposed to insert back into the helm (where the cable screws into). Where do I insert this pin?
Help me lighten up this steering.