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Thread: Recommend a light to medium all-round boat combo

  1. #1

    Recommend a light to medium all-round boat combo

    Hey Guys,

    I've been out of the tackle scene for a while and was wondering what will be a good budget rod/reel/line combo for general use on the boat.

    I fish a variety of spots, from estuaries to reefs offshore. I already have some heavy bottom bashing gear so need something a little lighter that can I fish whiting, flathead, bream with but can also stop a jack or trout from running home. I'm guessing a 8-10 kg, 7' outfit loaded with 20-30 lbs braid? I'm open to suggestions. Budget is around $250-$300. Can buy locally or O/S. Thanks!

  2. #2

    Re: Recommend a light to medium all-round boat combo

    bait fishing, lures or both?

  3. #3

    Re: Recommend a light to medium all-round boat combo

    Mostly bait, but it would be handy to be able to chuck some lures on occasion.

  4. #4

    Re: Recommend a light to medium all-round boat combo

    Hard to go past a Penn spinfisher or Penn slammer for general bait fishing and boat work. They are heavy and built like a tank, very hard to destroy. Chuck one of those on an ugly stick and you'll be laughing. 20 to 30 lb braid is about right but it dpends on whether you are after those whiting or the trout!!

  5. #5

    Re: Recommend a light to medium all-round boat combo

    Its going to be hard to get something effective on everything from Whiting to Trout but a good general purpose outfit would be a Penn Liveliner 560L with 15kg braid a 7' rod in the 6-10 kg class
    A Proud Member of
    "The Rebel Alliance"

  6. #6

    Re: Recommend a light to medium all-round boat combo

    Cheers guys. How does the Liveliner stack up against the Shimano baitrunners? Also, what rods are recommended? I had a look at a Shimano catana (701 boat I think) that looked OK but as I said I've been out of it for a while

  7. #7

    Re: Recommend a light to medium all-round boat combo

    Is there such an outfit ? -
    If you are interested in a light / medium outfit - I have a brand new Daiwa TD Advantage 2500 & a unused Shimano STP Maxspin (4-7kg).... . $270 ( you basically get the rod for free) - there is no line
    The reel comes with a spare spool - so you could spool one up with 4 or 6kg & the other with 10kg . Tthis would be a good estuary set up ( jews , big flatties) & a fairly decent shallow water snapper one. It was bought to be used as an impoundment barra topwater / frog outfit - so it certainly has the ability to tangle with big fish .

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  8. #8

    Re: Recommend a light to medium all-round boat combo

    I notice a few places are selling the Quantum Boca 60/80 Bait Teaser for $99 (normally $200+). Any comments on quality and how they compare against the Baitrunner/Live Liner??

  9. #9

    Re: Recommend a light to medium all-round boat combo

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