hey guys as you know myself plugga and d twenny went out on ru4 reel yesterday. well the weather wsnt as good as it looked on seabreeze but still managed a great days fishing. roderick picked us up at 5:45 from faux park tweed heads before heading to the bait grounds. he put us right on top of the school and 10 min later we had 20-30 livies on board and were off to our first spot in 100m of water.sitting with rod as we pull up i watch the sounder light up and i scoot down the stairs from the flybridge to ready my jig. a livey is sent down and the boys drop jigs, after 1 min the livey goes screaming and my mate who has never caught a king is into a solid king and andrew hoohs up on a jig. after 15 min the livey caught king surfaces and is over 1m and andrew drops his while the wind on is on the reel. after this they go quiet and we jig for 45min before heading wide for bar cod.
well the bar cod never showed as we dropped the electrics and myself and andrew jigged in over 200m of water (which is hard work) after a few drops and losing a rig roderick decides to head in to his secret squirrel pearly mark. where again the sounders light up. it is now 10:30 and only one fish on board and in the esky. naturally im getting nervous thinking this could be a long day lol. first drop of the electrics and on the return liam manages a nice king a sigh of relief and a buzz goes around the boat. next drop and as it hits the bottom liam is on again on the electric and a nice peal perch surfaces. after that it fired up and pearlies were being brought to the boat on a steady flow. after a few more drops liam pulls a full triple hook up of nice sized pearl perch to the boat with my rod having a nice bend in it and not long after surfaces 2 pealr perch and a nice king with one of the pealr perch dropping everyones jaw including rodericks and i hear "im getting the camera mate thats a great fish i need a pic" (in a south african accent) and off goes rod to get his fish eye lense. the fish went 69cm and a little over 5kg a real horse of a pearl perch. after getting our fair share of pearl perch the kings decide to fire up on the same mark and we were into tripple hook ups left right and centre with a times all of us hooked up. after boating 30+ kings in a few ours we started to head in and check out the shallower ground.
the 45's and 36's didnt provide to much but on the way back in roderick showed me what 9 mile looks like on the 1197 hummingbird sounders and it was amazing. we put out some small squids and trolled them around as there were mack tuna everywhere hitting the surface. caught a few and headed back in. all in was a great trip with 3 people pooping there king cherry. anyone looking for at going out with roderick on board ru4 reel will not regret it his wealth of knowledge is amazing and his ability to find fish is second to none. anyway here are a few pics i will post some of the big pearl perch when roderick sends them to me