My miss Stella hates me - she is a wind knot generator on every line I've put on her - If you use below 8lb & if you have a full spool - expect wind knots. At least with the Nanofil I can use 4lb on her with no dramas (touch wood)
All of my 1500 & 2000 size reels will have issues to some extent - fireline has proven the best but I have to be mindful of not laying into a cast. The trouble with using a rough surfaced PE braid is that loops can be pulled off the spool out of sequence ( unless you keep tension on at all times) bloody hard if you are working a placcy with jiggles and hops. This is why the Nanofil is good (ultra smooth).
I dont want to be bothered by 5 or even 1 wind knot ........ hence why I tried Nanofil & have since spooled up 3 other reels and another spool with Nano. If I didn't think I was getting a benefit or had issues - I wouldn't use it