Another trip to the Passge at Caloundra yesterday Arvo. The weed madethe place almost unfishable but I thought I would wait until after dark and the turn of the tide and see what happens.
Upon dusk I put the all round light in place..tested it..ok.
Once it got dark i switched on the LED light I have inside the light. Hmmmmmmmmmm, thinks me..must be a blown fuse. I get the knife and shove in the side of the holder to pop the fuse out..fuse is good..I then look. Bloody idiot me had broken the side ofthe fuse holder..well done.
A little later I notice the all round is flickering a bit..something does not seem right here. I lift the battery cover lid..oh YOU STUPID MORON, I call myself. got the lead on A about T...I swap them over..the all round works fine..I push the fuse back in the holder..led light works fine. Sheesh..I do some dumb things at times.
Meanwhile, whilst this was happening..not a bite..just lots of weed.
I only ended up with one legal fish.
BUT..another trip done and dusted..gotta take the good with bad.
Oh, I did have some words to some young goose that was buggering around with rollers on someone's trailer..gave him a gobful and told him to knick off (worse but cannot put that on here)..left a note on the windscreen of the car for the owner to check all his rollers before putting his boat back on.