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fraser island disgrace
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Thread: fraser island disgrace

  1. #1

    fraser island disgrace

    2011FI (11).jpg2011FI (10).jpg2011FI (7).jpgHave just come back from Fraser Island. The national parks should be totally ashamed of themselves. 2011FI (8).jpgTHE YIDNEY ROCKS BYPASS IS AN ABSOLUTE DISGRACE.

  2. #2

    Re: fraser island disgrace

    To be fair, some of the roads up there are meant to be maintained by main roads or Hervey Bay council. Im not too sure who looks after Yidney Rocks though. National Parks do have a lot to answer for though!

  3. #3
    National Parks people are too busy making sure you've got a lid on your bait bucket.

  4. #4

    Re: fraser island disgrace

    If the whole of the island is gazetted as National Park, then it should be the responsibility of the NPWS to maintain stuff like this.

    There are three reasons for this disgraceful and disgusting state of disrepair:

    1. NPWS is broke, like the rest of the state government;

    2. NPWS don't want people to go 4WD'ing on Fraser;

    3. Combination of 1 and 2 above.

    Bligh's husband Greg Withers is an assistant DG in the Office of Climate Change in the DERM according to the Courier Mail today. That Department now has more than 5600 public servants working (sorry, employed) in it, which is probably more than the whole population of Warwick.


  5. #5
    Ausfish Silver Member hakuna's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: fraser island disgrace

    you are very close in Item 2, I was up there for 3 weeks earlier this year, and after having a talk with the rangers between the dingo problems with humans, the state of Fraser and damage to the island by campers, the minority of idiots with 4wds, backpacker issues and now a green senate you have hit the nail on the head.


  6. #6

    Re: fraser island disgrace

    I can see the day coming where Fraser is going to be off limits to 4WD's/Camping alltogether that track is downright dangerous and should be fixed.

  7. #7

    Re: fraser island disgrace

    Looks like a problem that is simple enough to fix at the next election.

  8. #8

    Re: fraser island disgrace

    They are trying to discourage not encourage

  9. #9

    Re: fraser island disgrace

    Quote Originally Posted by Stik-ugly View Post
    They are trying to discourage not encourage
    wait for the price rises to discourage the families like NSW did, it is cheaper for me to drive with the family 10hrs each way for a two week camp on Fraser Is than it is to camp in the NP at my back yard

    for me they do a great job up there compared to NSW Parks

    cheers Murf

  10. #10

    Re: fraser island disgrace

    Come on guys, spare a thought for that labour government that is now broke saving all your arses by handing out millions to dole bludgers and single mums to save the economy that was not failing. One bypass that needs repair is no where near as important at keep that dope smoking neighbor fueled with weed and cigs. Green is the only way to go, but only if its in your own backyard.

  11. #11
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Re: fraser island disgrace

    Why didn't you drive a foot to the left ??? I have seen bigger potholes on Ipswich road !!
    I was up there for a week and did over 500km on the island and thought it was fantastic, a bit of a challenge on the tracks made it that much more enjoyable.


  12. #12

    Re: fraser island disgrace

    Really what do you want...i nice bitchumen road....its a 4 x4 track for god'd shit ya self if you went up the cape...

  13. #13

    Re: fraser island disgrace

    I'd have to agree, stick to the black top if you want a nice road. If they made it any easier then there would be twice as many weekend warriors up there messing up the place. The real national parks disgrace is the amount of roads they have closed and fenced off.

    Also if the people at Yidney Rocks with property don't like the state of the road, then they should roll up their sleeves and do something about it.

  14. #14

    Re: fraser island disgrace

    It wouldn't surprise me if the Bligh government made it just that little bit harder for fishos not too far out from the next state election.

    Close a road here and there, find a colony of birds that've flown in from Mongolia and are resting in the dunes somewhere, the normal stuff.

    It's generally good for some green preferences.


  15. #15

    Re: fraser island disgrace

    (the Bligh government made it just that little bit harder for fishos) wouldnt they want to make it easier for know showing that they care and get our votes??.......NOT!

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