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Drawing the line
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Thread: Drawing the line

  1. #1

    Question Drawing the line

    Hi All

    Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you have been shown a fishing location & or technique ....... and then people or friends want to know about it ! - What do you do ?

    It can be a dilemma ........ specially when it is something that is shared between a couple of mates - or has been worked out between a couple of mates ......... who can you tell ? ( would you put it on the net ..... or put photos up ?.
    I know I have been taken to a spot and then shared it with another close mate ....... & was - while not berated but certainly felt the ....... angst ( too harsh).

    So how does everyone handle this ? - We see photos with blanked out backgrounds ....... which I personally feel is over the top ( better off not putting a photo up at all ..... or may as well just put up a brag mat shot) - i guess I ask this as I found myelf in this situation this morning ......... several photos which were outstanding but clearly revealled the location - so they were kept for personal consumption.

    curious to hear your thoughts

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  2. #2
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Re: Drawing the line

    some people just take their fishing way too seriously...if the persons involved showed you somehwere, that is their problem if you share it.

  3. #3

    Re: Drawing the line

    you know how fast news travels "word of mouth" now the internet is 10 times faster and the whole world can read it....Im guessing that places are not devolved so when you go to spot X you dont have half a dozen boats sitting on your mark... A mate from work put me onto a spot X at southport and it always produces and ive never seen another boat there....he asked me not to blabber so i havent, hence i dont have to worry about anyone being there when i go...

  4. #4

    Re: Drawing the line

    If you have been shown a spot X that has come from hard work and long hours searching on someone elses behalf, I would be reluctant to share it. The reward for getting out there more often than others, is having spots like that. There would be nothing worse than finally finding a top spot, and letting your mate know, then turning up early one cold sunday morning to find boats everywhere. Nothing wrong with brag mat pics.

  5. #5
    Ausfish Platinum Member mylestom's Avatar
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    Re: Drawing the line


    Think it comes down to respect. If you have been show spot x and the person resquest you to keep secret, then that is the way it should happen. If he/she has not asked it to keep a secret, then you should seek their say so on whether to release the information to others.

    Think if people don't respect others, the invites or information will soon dry up from that friendship/source.

    It fantastic to fish with friends but their needs to be co-operation when shown something that has taken time and research to work out.

    Fish for the future, enjoy the present but think of your children.

  6. #6
    Ausfish Platinum Member Apollo's Avatar
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    Re: Drawing the line


    The answer for me is that it depends on how you come across the information about that location or technique. If someone shows it to you (or tells you about it) it should not be shared. If they show it to you with conditions that it is not shared, then it should never be shared with anyone. If you have worked it out with a mate together then I think you are disrepecting your mate to by showing others without asking. If you have nutted it out by yourself or read in a public media, then it is up to you whether to share it or not.

    I have been lucky to have been shown a few locations/techniques as well as nutting a few out myself and with a mate. After making a few mistakes myself, I stick strictly to the above. The ones I have been shown, I will never show another as I hope to be shown a few more sometime later and hope others can trust me. I agree with you about blacking out backgrounds, but understand those that do. A brag mat shot or one with a non descript background is fine. Otherwise I don't show it.

    The problem with sharing it with others, is where that information ends up. You might just tell one or two mates, but they may do the same and so on or one of them puts up a post with specific details/photos of the location or technique and as Wayne said it is now on a widely available forum for anyone to see and the control of the where the information ends up is not controlled. This has happened to me twice where the first spot was a great little spot that required a technique and a specific time. Unfortunately, despite my request that it not be shared, it quickly became widely known and posted publically and the last couple of times I was there, there was rubbish left everywhere and multiple large fish frames there where someone had been to rape the place and wreck it. It certainly would not have been the person I told, but unfortunately, the information finally made it in the hands of the wrong persons. The second was a spot in the sandy straits that produced well and never had boats on it. Kept it very quiet, but unfortunately the same happened and a crew with loose lips and trouble understanding the term 'DON'T TELL ANYONE'. Now it is often stacked with boats and flogged senseless.

    I see nothing wrong with handing out general information to help someone at, that will given them a starting point (clue) so they can nut it out themselves. Something similar to the information you recently provided to someone requesting information on Borumba and you provided great general information to help the brother out.

    The other issue is that I know some commercial fisherman do troll through fishing website to get info on what is being caught where, so there is also a risk that a great spot will come under immense commercial as well as recreational pressure and will be wiped out very quickly.

    So back to your current issue. You seem to be cracking a code for the Brissy River jews and good on you, but you should keep the how/where to yourself so you can continue to enjoy and further develop the catching of them. The knowledge that someone is catching them will be inspiration enough to others to get out there and nut it out themselves. This is unless you want to show ME. I won't tell a soul.

    All the best and thanks for a good topic.


  7. #7
    Ausfish Platinum Member bennykenny's Avatar
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    Re: Drawing the line

    Nagg, best you keep those secrets to yourself, especially the ones i shared with you!!!, as for your "mate", there is only one good thing to do with him, kill him and use him as crab pot bait.
    As for the photos, you should always be mindful of whats in the background when taking them, i know all my brissy river photos dont contain background. The brissy is hard enough to work out without giving away too many secrets.
    Ive had it happen several times to me, with mates sharing spots with their mates and they share it with their mates, its the quickest way to have any information drying up thats for sure, they just dont get told anymore, or they get told wrong spots. When i fish with my mate stewie and we come across a new spot we always talk about if it is to be kept on the quiet or not.Cheers Benny

    ...of all the liars among mankind, the fisherman is the most trustworthy. ~William Sherwood Fox.

  8. #8

    Re: Drawing the line

    Quote Originally Posted by Apollo View Post

    The answer for me is that it depends on how you come across the information about that location or technique. If someone shows it to you (or tells you about it) it should not be shared. If they show it to you with conditions that it is not shared, then it should never be shared with anyone. If you have worked it out with a mate together then I think you are disrepecting your mate to by showing others without asking. If you have nutted it out by yourself or read in a public media, then it is up to you whether to share it or not.

    I have been lucky to have been shown a few locations/techniques as well as nutting a few out myself and with a mate. After making a few mistakes myself, I stick strictly to the above. The ones I have been shown, I will never show another as I hope to be shown a few more sometime later and hope others can trust me. I agree with you about blacking out backgrounds, but understand those that do. A brag mat shot or one with a non descript background is fine. Otherwise I don't show it.

    The problem with sharing it with others, is where that information ends up. You might just tell one or two mates, but they may do the same and so on or one of them puts up a post with specific details/photos of the location or technique and as Wayne said it is now on a widely available forum for anyone to see and the control of the where the information ends up is not controlled. This has happened to me twice where the first spot was a great little spot that required a technique and a specific time. Unfortunately, despite my request that it not be shared, it quickly became widely known and posted publically and the last couple of times I was there, there was rubbish left everywhere and multiple large fish frames there where someone had been to rape the place and wreck it. It certainly would not have been the person I told, but unfortunately, the information finally made it in the hands of the wrong persons. The second was a spot in the sandy straits that produced well and never had boats on it. Kept it very quiet, but unfortunately the same happened and a crew with loose lips and trouble understanding the term 'DON'T TELL ANYONE'. Now it is often stacked with boats and flogged senseless.

    I see nothing wrong with handing out general information to help someone at, that will given them a starting point (clue) so they can nut it out themselves. Something similar to the information you recently provided to someone requesting information on Borumba and you provided great general information to help the brother out.

    The other issue is that I know some commercial fisherman do troll through fishing website to get info on what is being caught where, so there is also a risk that a great spot will come under immense commercial as well as recreational pressure and will be wiped out very quickly.

    So back to your current issue. You seem to be cracking a code for the Brissy River jews and good on you, but you should keep the how/where to yourself so you can continue to enjoy and further develop the catching of them. The knowledge that someone is catching them will be inspiration enough to others to get out there and nut it out themselves. This is unless you want to show ME. I won't tell a soul.

    All the best and thanks for a good topic.

    Hi Steve


    I reckon I owe you after you helped me out with Borumba - particularly one location

    It is an interesting topic particularly in these times with the internet / GPS and other technology ......... In the old days you might have been taken to a location in the middle of the ocean and you would never be able to find the place again . But now there is even GPS in phones and many boats have that capability.
    If its a spot in a river / on a river ....... you'll be seen at some stage - so how secret will it really be ? Sometimes its not just the location but more importantly the technique and the little nuances of the location.

    Here is one to think about ......... Should you even go back to that location without the person that first took you there ?

    I know with the Jewie fishing ...... Gaz & I have been working together ( either in the same boat or separate sorties) - but out of respect ...... I'm not disclosing too much - specially if it is something he has worked out. Are our locations secret ? - No not really....... we have seen other boats there or boats have fished nearby - but timing & technique (our own) have been the key! Now while nothing has been handed to me on a plate - there are people that have offered some good information. - So where do you draw the line ?
    Helping someone out is always satisfying but lets hope that it ever gets to a situation where people do not offer any assistance .
    The recent times I have spent up at Curtis Is , has been one of discovery (very little help) ..... not secret squirrel & is being shared with mates ...... Rock bar locations / lures etc - but it is not being broadcast. -

    I guess the biggest fear is that a location could be abused or wiped out ....... say a favorite Jack snag!

    Good point on the pros - I agree & have seen it first hand

    Anyhow - just throwing the topic out there

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  9. #9

    Re: Drawing the line

    I think its fine to help people with techniques its kinda like that old saying
    " give a man a fish , feed him for a day , Teach a man to fish feed him for a life time "
    Doesn't say show him where to fish !!
    Maybe with friends steer them in the right direction like depths , tides etc uper or lower river but thats all i would do .

  10. #10

    Re: Drawing the line

    Quote Originally Posted by bennykenny View Post
    Nagg, best you keep those secrets to yourself, especially the ones i shared with you!!!, as for your "mate", there is only one good thing to do with him, kill him and use him as crab pot bait.
    As for the photos, you should always be mindful of whats in the background when taking them, i know all my brissy river photos dont contain background. The brissy is hard enough to work out without giving away too many secrets.
    Ive had it happen several times to me, with mates sharing spots with their mates and they share it with their mates, its the quickest way to have any information drying up thats for sure, they just dont get told anymore, or they get told wrong spots. When i fish with my mate stewie and we come across a new spot we always talk about if it is to be kept on the quiet or not.Cheers Benny
    No mate ...... I dont need to shoot anyone & actually my mate is more tight lipped.
    The information that you provided ( a couple of locations we knew about .... I had been taken there) & another we basically only fished once. But more than anything that information was was great reaffirmation on where / what / how So its appreciated!
    Some other stuff that I have been told ..... we have not even tried.
    I think now that results are coming & the monkey is off the back - it does allow you to broaden your approach and is easier to go look for yourself.

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  11. #11
    Ausfish Bronze Member Eug's Avatar
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    Re: Drawing the line

    have to be careful nowadays, had an 'old friend' who strategically befriended me again after years of non-contact only to glean some spots that only a few close mates fish in the river. i naively showed him a technique that i exclusively used only to have him rape the spot himself so that he could brag/show off to others.
    in particular easily accessed landbased spots are prime realestate and should be kept close to the chest and sharing parties understand the importance of catch and release.

  12. #12

    Re: Drawing the line

    I don't even tell people when/if I go fishing let alone any reports on captures and/or spots.
    I reckon my secrets are safe.
    As for methods....Alvey and Snyder Glas and a bit of Sneider and that all I'm going to say on the matter.
    I intend on living far so good

  13. #13

    Re: Drawing the line

    If I have found a good spot I would not really tell anyone about it to be honest. Half the fun of fishing is finding your own spots and not relying on others to give you the info. If someone does that it takes all the fun out of the hunt for your catch. Half the battle is being in the right place in the right time on the right moon and have the right tide but when you find that spot where they are on and you found it yourself it makes it all worth it. I found a spot over at Mud island last sunday and pulled up in total 30 Squire 8 of which were legal size which me and my 2 mates shared between us. Marked it and will fish it regulary.

  14. #14
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: Drawing the line

    Chris, I think a lot depends on where and the type of fishing, if your talking a sneaky little spot that will remain at its best if it has limited fishing pressure then i'd say keep it to yourself.
    If I got invited to go fishing with someone to their spot x then I think it would be basic courtesy to at least ask if they would mind if I went back to that spot and ask if they wanted to come. On the other hand I wouldn't take someone to a spot if I was worried about them going back to that spot.
    Same with offshore, if someone gives me a mark and asks to keep it to myself then that is what I do. A mate had a decky once that thought it quite alright to take his gps along for the ride.
    But on the other hand when I use to do a fair bit of beach fishing the more people we could get fishing a gutter the better, always seemed that the fish stayed put when you had a lot of bait in the water. As long as they didn't jump in your spot when you caught a fish then all was good, mind you I always found that they soon moved when you swung 3 onces of lead and a set of gangs just over their heads.

    Its going to get harder and harder to keep spot x to yourself, I just brought a new camera that is gps enabled, just take the photo and spot is marked.......

  15. #15

    Re: Drawing the line

    btw ..... dont read anything into this subject ( I got a couple of phone calls and emails today ..... the WTF type)

    This topic has been born from conversations over the years.
    I know I've taken a mate to a spot that was shown to me ....... but only because I knew that he would respect the location and not plunder the place ( I know C&R fishoes would have my trust more than someone that is just out for a feed) ........ & please do not berate me over that comment

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

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