The answer for me is that it depends on how you come across the information about that location or technique. If someone shows it to you (or tells you about it) it should not be shared. If they show it to you with conditions that it is not shared, then it should never be shared with anyone. If you have worked it out with a mate together then I think you are disrepecting your mate to by showing others without asking. If you have nutted it out by yourself or read in a public media, then it is up to you whether to share it or not.
I have been lucky to have been shown a few locations/techniques as well as nutting a few out myself and with a mate. After making a few mistakes myself, I stick
strictly to the above. The ones I have been shown, I will never show another as I hope to be shown a few more sometime later and hope others can trust me. I agree with you about blacking out backgrounds, but understand those that do. A brag mat shot or one with a non descript background is fine. Otherwise I don't show it.
The problem with sharing it with others, is where that information ends up. You might just tell one or two mates, but they may do the same and so on or one of them puts up a post with specific details/photos of the location or technique and as Wayne said it is now on a widely available forum for anyone to see and the control of the where the information ends up is not controlled. This has happened to me twice where the first spot was a great little spot that required a technique and a specific time. Unfortunately, despite my request that it not be shared, it quickly became widely known and posted publically and the last couple of times I was there, there was rubbish left everywhere and multiple large fish frames there where someone had been to rape the place and wreck it. It certainly would not have been the person I told, but unfortunately, the information finally made it in the hands of the wrong persons. The second was a spot in the sandy straits that produced well and never had boats on it. Kept it very quiet, but unfortunately the same happened and a crew with loose lips and trouble understanding the term 'DON'T TELL ANYONE'. Now it is often stacked with boats and flogged senseless.
I see nothing wrong with handing out general information to help someone at, that will given them a starting point (clue) so they can nut it out themselves. Something similar to the information you recently provided to someone requesting information on Borumba and you provided great general information to help the brother out.
The other issue is that I know some commercial fisherman do troll through fishing website to get info on what is being caught where, so there is also a risk that a great spot will come under immense commercial as well as recreational pressure and will be wiped out very quickly.
So back to your current issue. You seem to be cracking a code for the Brissy River jews and good on you, but you should keep the how/where to yourself so you can continue to enjoy and further develop the catching of them. The knowledge that someone is catching them will be inspiration enough to others to get out there and nut it out themselves. This is unless you want to show ME.

I won't tell a soul.
All the best and thanks for a good topic.