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Thread: School Mackeral In the Bay - anyone getting any

  1. #1

    School Mackeral In the Bay - anyone getting any

    Anybody been getting any school macs in the bay either on pillies or trolling paravanes, havent been chasing them for a while so wondering if anyone has been catching them or even targetting them... also rough areas youve been getting them would help


  2. #2

    Re: School Mackeral In the Bay - anyone getting any

    I wouldn't think there would be many about at the moment. They're basically a summer fish!
    Cheers Freeeedom

  3. #3

    Re: School Mackeral In the Bay - anyone getting any

    I normally catch them all year round on the paravanes - you'd be surprised what stays in the bay thru winter - the Rous channel can be full of them in August.

  4. #4

    Re: School Mackeral In the Bay - anyone getting any

    I have caught Schoolies all year round. In Winter a Pilly fished on the bottom near a shipping marker can work. They are a much better option come September in the Bay. I have also had them thick in the Rous in August but perhaps we should keep that little secret to ourselves
    A Proud Member of
    "The Rebel Alliance"

  5. #5

    Re: School Mackeral In the Bay - anyone getting any

    top end of the bay schooling up and chopping in the middle of the day only eating very tiny baitfish found very tiny plastics the go but fish were very skittish

  6. #6

    Re: School Mackeral In the Bay - anyone getting any

    Thanks for that, if I cant get offshore on Sunday might have a look around and try not to burn too much fuel

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