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Thread: Grapnel sinkers - Where to buy in Brisbane

  1. #1

    Grapnel sinkers - Where to buy in Brisbane


    Does anyone know where I can buy grapnel sinkers in Brisbane to Gold Coast area?

    Or if not, maybe someone could make a few for me for the right price , send me a pm.

    Cheers, Bondy

  2. #2

    Re: Grapnel sinkers - Where to buy in Brisbane

    I would reckon any decent tackle shop should have them.

  3. #3

    Re: Grapnel sinkers - Where to buy in Brisbane

    $10 a pop bondy99- How many do you want .

    Seriously buy a snapper sniker mould and drill a hole down the bottom and add some wire

  4. #4

    Re: Grapnel sinkers - Where to buy in Brisbane


    I would if I could but dont have the gear to melt lead and would not know where to get lead from apart from dodgey scrap yards.

    Ready mades look like a better option


  5. #5

    Re: Grapnel sinkers - Where to buy in Brisbane

    Quote Originally Posted by Noelm View Post
    I would reckon any decent tackle shop should have them.

    I checked a few places, none around

  6. #6

    Re: Grapnel sinkers - Where to buy in Brisbane


    I have 2 grapnel sinkers..

    1) 1st one I lost the wire part of the grapnel and just stuck in 4 pieces of coat hanger wire I had cut with a pliers. I added superglue just as backup. [really not pretty but works just fine]

    2) 2nd 1 I did what timddo is suggesting i.e I got a snapper sinker and drilled 2 holes straight through[as you know lead is very soft] and also used 2 pieces of coat hanger wire to finish the job. [really really not pretty but works perfectly]

    I am 100% you are better with your hands than me... anybody is... #2 option with a drill and pliers will take you about 10mins max and it works just fine so long as the wire is at least 5cm below the lead when that it digs down into the sand

  7. #7

    Re: Grapnel sinkers - Where to buy in Brisbane


    Yeah I was thinking of that option earlier and unfortunately not one size fits all...I would need to know specific length, angles etc.

    Oils aint oils.

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