Well, we've had a change of plan, our original one to go to Cressbrook has been canned, mostly due to the responses I got from a couple of the local tackle shops when I asked, "are they gettin any Bass" to which I got a reply "they're gettin plenty of red claw", as tasty as they are, they don't put up much of a fight on 6lb braid so don't interest me!!!
After sussing out Borumba and seeing Aarans post in the reports section (Thanx for the PM Mate), a call was made to the crew and plans were ammended. If anyone's got any useful tips for a bunch of wanabees who've never fished it before, it'd be greatly appreciated. I'd be absolutley stoked to come away from the weekend with one of our crew gettin a Toga, Cheers Guys, Jamie.