The new Sustain FG is due to be revealed at the annual Icast trade show in Las Vegas in two days, but a US online tackle store accidently posted a picture with specs yesterday. The picture has since been removed from the site.
Apparently, the new Sustain has an aluminium "frame" and sideplate. As anyone who services their own Sustain or Stradic will know, the frame that Shimano refers to is actually the reel stem and the sideplate, which is one piece. The actual body, or "gearbox", of the current model Sustain FE and Stradic FI is graphite, so the totally aluminium body of the new Sustain FG is definitely an upgrade. Also gone is the graphite rotor - the new Sustain FG will have a much more rigid CI4 rotor. The Daiwa Caldia Kix, Sol, Heartland, Advantage, Tierra etc have graphite rotors.
Another upgrade is the inclusion of the Stella FE's "X-SHIP" - which I think stands for eXtremely Smooth HI Power. Typical Shimano marketing, but what it means is that the new Sustain, like the Stella FE, has a ball bearing at the end of the pinion gear, where it sits in the body of the reel, rather than a plastic bushing. Only larger, mid to high-end reels used to have a bearing in that position (my old Thunnus 6000F has one there, but it's huge. The 2010 Certate has a ball bearing there, but cheaper Daiwas do not). This should mean that the new Sustain will be smoother than the old FE, but not necessarily so if the Shimano reel assemblers are stingey with the grease, like they often are. I think a lot of people think this reel is smoother than that reel or whatever, when the main difference is a lack of grease on the drive gear and the pinion. If you're not confident opening a Shimano spinning reel, you can poke grease through the maintanence port with a plastic toothpick and carefully scrap it off on the teeth of the drive gear. I tried this with my new Stella 4000FD and some ZPI grease (though I do take the rotor and sideplate off when I service my other reels) and the difference was incredible. Anyway, that's a bit off-topic.
The new Sustain FG has the same body as the Japanese Domestic Market 2011 Biomaster, as far as I can tell. The sideways folding handle is the same too. The rotor might be a completely new design, but it's hard to tell from that photo. I doubt that even Shimano would call it a "Magnumlite CI4 Rotor" if it is the same one used on the Stradic CI4. We'll probably know more in a few days...
Link to Tacklewarehouse (edit - now available for pre-order & about the same price as the current Sustain FE - $249.99 - $269.99 USD) -