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Thread: New Outboard - Finally!!

  1. #1

    Wink New Outboard - Finally!!

    Well not new by any means, but 13 years newer than the last yammie I had on the back of the haines

    04 Model F225 Yammy with Solas 4 blade prop is going on the Haines Signature this week


    Whilst saving, I also had time to rip up the floor and change the stringers! Compared to the transom, under the floor was in great nick so I was happy Replaced the old ply with nice new marine grade, and recarpeted the whole lot! Solid as a rock!!

    Oh, one last thing! Scored a stainless Targa top with the slide out bimini off a 685 Haines for a steal, just need to widen 250mm and she should make the Haines a bit more schmick

    Anyhow back to the motor, any tips on what to look out for with an f225 yammy?

    What is the best fuel line size to use??
    What is the best filters to use for fuel? I have a ryco in at present.
    Does Yamaha sell the SMART Gauges to go on these motors??

    Id show you a pic but you all know what they look like :p


  2. #2

    Re: New Outboard - Finally!!

    Can't help on questions but got me fingers crossed for you that all the bad luck is behind you well and truly now


  3. #3

    Re: New Outboard - Finally!!

    Isnt doing the floor great fun i had Ross giving me a hand and it was something i never want to do again, send it in and pay to get it done i say....
    Got to organsise a half way trip one weekend say bunderberg or 1770
    get the lads and head out..


  4. #4

    Re: New Outboard - Finally!!

    Its been a long time coming that new motor.. Hopefully all goes well

  5. #5

    Re: New Outboard - Finally!!

    Sounds like your back in business, hope to see some fish on that new floor in the reports soon.


  6. #6

    Re: New Outboard - Finally!!

    Cheers fellas!

    Yeah well I hope the bad luck will end soon enough, still makes me laugh that the more I have spent on a boat the more I have to spend to keep it in the water lol!! Getting close however to replacing everything that could go wrong! Just the electrical left really!

    Lucas, yeah tell me about it lol!! Nothing worse than lying in bed feeling 20 thousand needles and complaining to the missus all night hahaha!!! Fibreglass is fun stuff! With the amount I have glassed I have it down to a tee now!

    Half way trip for sure!! 1770 is only an hour from me so im happy with that hahah!! Will sort it out for sure! The boys are coming up end of the month to head out so the rush is on! Bring yours and a swag if you are keen hehe!

    Cheers fellas! Will keep you updated with pics and so on!

    P.S. Now have to get the welding skills out! Widening 8 x 1 inch stainless poles is gonna be fun.


  7. #7

    Re: New Outboard - Finally!!

    Would love to do it at the end of the month but with the Mrs being 33 weeks pregnant im not going anywhere i wanted to do the river to mud this year but cant as Paula is due the week after...
    Will have to leave it for a few months i rekon.

  8. #8

    Re: New Outboard - Finally!!

    Quote Originally Posted by mustang5 View Post
    Haines Signature I also had time to rip up the floor and change the stringers! Compared to the transom, under the floor was in great nick so I was happy Replaced the old ply with nice new marine grade, and recarpeted the whole lot! Solid as a rock!!
    I've only just joined the forum so haven't seen the past thread on the cockpit sole/transom, you didn't mention which model Signature......I have heard (and seen) the 2250L and 700L have had these worrying issues.

    Good luck with the repower.

  9. #9

    Re: New Outboard - Finally!!

    Hey mate yeah the transom was rot due to screws in capping plate not being sealed, and the stringers on the Port side were cactus in places! Starboard was as dry as a bone lol! Go figure!

    Now have to make sure the transom will hold the extra 70kg and extra 25 horses. Working that out with the mechanic tomorrow!

    Lucas, always up for a fish mate! We will work it out!


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