Originally Posted by
there is a commercial fisherman who is aloud to net this pond also,i think he's only aloud in 3 or 4 times a year.webby that is a cracker of a photo mate.back in the the late 90's when i owned the bait and tackle shop at colmslie we would fish the first reclamation ponds and use to catch heaps of flathead/whiting and bream,the place was loaded with mullet.in those ponds they had 2 metal drain pipes that went through the wall into the bay[facing st helena] that they would open and close with the tides.back then you could fish there all you liked,it was easy just park your car in the worm diggers carpark and go for a short stroll.now its all about liability if someone gets injured in there they will more than likely go the port for compo etc,thats why no one is aloud its a construction site.well supposably no one is aloud lol.