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Thread: Land locked Snapper

  1. #1


    and a couple of times per year we get a chance to fish a reclaimation area. Got there at six in the morning, geared up with 2kg worth of pillies - the very first one out was slammed!

    The reclaimation area is a big pond like area - which has caused a lot of land locked snapper and other fish species. In the six hours we were there, we caught 7 flatties (55-65cm), 6 squire(43-54cm) and a 65cm estuary cod, 4 bream, and a handful of rays. The esky was full by the end of it.

    Can't wait to get back out there.Attachment 68987Attachment 68988Attachment 68989Attachment 68990

  2. #2

    Re: Land locked Snapper

    you eat those?

  3. #3

    Re: Land locked Snapper

    I thought the dredged material used for reclamation has contaminant levels that are too high to be deposited back to sea, that's why they use to for reclamation. Pretty sure it has stuff like arsenic, copper, lead and DDT in it. They also use hard material from quarries which also has goodness knows what. I personally wouldn't eat it.

    Would have been a great morning fishing though!

  4. #4

    Re: Land locked Snapper

    Maybe the fish just poop it all out. They would be easy to find at night but, cos they glow in the dark.

    Why don't they just open the water up and let them all out or net it and take them all out. Specially if they are edible


  5. #5

    Re: Land locked Snapper

    no fair. i get told to move on by security when i sussed this out. good catch though.

  6. #6

    Re: Land locked Snapper

    in regards to eating them, the fishing club has been fishing it for 5 years, and so far no one is sick yet from eating them.

  7. #7
    Fair enough. I wonder if security saw 20 or 30 bucks they might not see me for a couple of hours...

  8. #8

    Re: Land locked Snapper

    lucky buggers ...... I've heard of some pretty big snaps in there

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  9. #9

    Re: Land locked Snapper

    lucky 4 some ,would of been good day
    Quote Originally Posted by Thomas J View Post
    My brother in law works for the Port of Brisbane corp, and a couple of times per year we get a chance to fish the reclaimation area. Got there at six in the morning, geared up with 2kg worth of pillies - the very first one out was slammed!

    The reclaimation area is a big pond like area - which has caused a lot of land locked snapper and other fish species. In the six hours we were there, we caught 7 flatties (55-65cm), 6 squire(43-54cm) and a 65cm estuary cod, 4 bream, and a handful of rays. The esky was full by the end of it.

    Can't wait to get back out there.Attachment 68987Attachment 68988Attachment 68989Attachment 68990

  10. #10

    Re: Land locked Snapper

    Quote Originally Posted by Thomas J View Post
    in regards to eating them, the fishing club has been fishing it for 5 years, and so far no one is sick yet from eating them. Apparently some scientists came through a few years back and deemed the catch 'fit' for consumption (and also to ensure nothing wasn't cross contaminating anything back into the bay)! But ya never know, if heaps of jobs open up at the'll know why!
    I wouldn't be eating anything in their thats for sure but to each their own.... Would of been a fun catch. Tight lines

  11. #11

    Re: Land locked Snapper

    Thomas J,

    Does your brother in law work on Whyte Island?

    Dredging section no doubt, I too use to work with Port of Brisbane until the tugs went for refit, then my job was no longer. I use to be a deckie and trainee master.

    Worked on Snipe, SeaHorse and the Hydrography Survey vessel.


  12. #12

    Re: Land locked Snapper

    ive eaten plenty from that pond and they tasted great.....dont you think if the water was contaminated inside the wall that the bay would be aswell considering it flows straight through the rocks????

    i think its bullshit that you blokes get to fish this place and everyone else gets chased all over the wall at all times of the night by twats.
    open a gate in the wall or let everyone access it, the fish will die at some point anyway..

  13. #13

    Re: Land locked Snapper

    i know of a few guys that raid it at night and take a lot of fish

  14. #14

    Re: Land locked Snapper

    Pirates of the Brisbane River no doubt

  15. #15

    Re: Land locked Snapper

    Here's a pic taken when pirating the pond sometime ago.
    Attached Thumbnails - Click to enlarge Attached Thumbnails - Click to enlarge Click image for larger version. 

Name:	schooling snapper.jpg 
Views:	529 
Size:	36.8 KB 
ID:	69080  

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