G'day All,
Well I have returned to fishing after about a 15 year break. I also haven't built a rod for just as long. It's been a while so I have enjoyed reading all the posts here catching up on how things are done now. When I last built a rod Snyder Glas blanks could be bought at the local corner store just about, buying fuji guides didn't involve selling a kidney first and all wraps were covered in Erskines Epoxy. The biggest difference I found out quickly is that most tackle shops don't stock blanks or even components anymore. I have a lot to re-learn.
I have started back by restoring a couple of my dad's old solid glass Jarvis Walker rods. They come up a treat. I have ordered all the makings for a new rod and am eagarly awaiting their arrival so I can get stuck in. I shall let you know how I go.
Anyway that's about it, I just wanted to say G'day and to say thanks for all the posts here, I have enjoyed reading them.